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M A Y 2 O 1 5
W W W . S A I N T E R S E C T I O N . O R G
`lan-, yap': a gift given or
obtained gratuitously.
A few years later, he met former model Gena O'Kelley,
who was 23 years his junior. Believe it or not, this big-
screen tough guy was afraid to ask her out.
The two married in November 1998. Gena had two
children from a previous marriage, and in 2001, Chuck
and Gena welcomed the birth of twins.
"Gena is defi nitely sent to me from God to begin the
process of bringing me to Him,"
Chuck said. Not long
into their marriage, Chuck took note of Gena's daily custom
of reading from her Bible. Soon, he asked her to read some
to him, and he eventually volunteered to read aloud as well.
"Once I started, it became a regular routine for us."
The more Chuck read, the more he was convinced of his
need for Jesus as Lord and Savior in his life. "I had been in
fi lms and I had fame and fortune, but I was very unhappy
and I couldn't fi gure out why."
Now a Christian as well as a celebrity,
Chuck was
called upon to give his witness before huge crowds. This is
where an old nemesis, shyness, reared its ugly head. "Being
in front of a camera is a whole lot different than speaking
live, in front of thousands," he refl ected, chuckling.
"What made the Apostle Paul a great speaker?" Norris
reasoned. "Paul was so shy. In 2 Corinthians 10:1, he talks
about addressing the Corinthians and says, `I am so timid
talking to you.' The Apostle Paul did what he had to do to
spread the message of God. I realize that that is what I have
to do; I have to bite the bullet and overcome my shyness."
When asked for his reaction to the endless jokes about
his famed toughness, he couldn't help but laugh at himself
(see "Lagniappe" to the right).
"I've got a bulletin for you, folks. I am no super-
man," he said. "I realize that now, but I didn't
always. As six-time world karate champion and
then a movie star, I put too much trust
in who I was, what I could do and what I
acquired. I forgot how much I needed others
and especially God. Whether we are famous or
not, we all need God. We also need other people."
Chuck Norris' real strength lies in
Jesus Christ.
"Without Him, I don't have any
power. But with Him, the Bible
tells me, I really can do all
things... and so can you!"
Top 12 Facts About
Chuck Norris's
huck Norris is a man's man as well as a
witness for Christ.
With good nature, he
accepts jokes made about his famed tough-
ness. Here are a few of our favorites:
Chuck Norris
is so tough; when he does
push-ups, he's not lifting himself up, he's
pushing the earth down!
Chuck Norris
is so tough he can get an Egg
McMuffi n from McDonald's after 10:30 a.m.!
Chuck Norris
and Superman once made a bet
on a staring contest--the loser had to wear his
underwear outside of his pants.
When the Boogeyman goes to sleep every night,
he checks his closet for
Chuck Norris
You can play "got your nose" with kids to
make them laugh.
Chuck Norris
can play
"got your spleen"... except he's not kidding!
Chuck Norris
has a grizzly bear for a rug in
his room. The bear's not dead; it's just too
afraid to try to escape!
Chuck Norris
is so tough he can start a fi re
by rubbing two ice cubes together!
Chuck Norris
is so tough he once stared
at the sun, and the sun went blind!
There used to be a street named
, but the city had to change the name
because no one can cross
Chuck Norris
live to tell about it!
The Grim Reaper once had a
"Near-Chuck Norris Experience."
Chuck Norris
is so tough he can win
a game of tic-tac-toe in two moves!
Chuck Norris
once got pulled
over for speeding. He let the
offi cer off with a warning.