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The War Cry | OCTOBER 2014
not be going through it alone. And if we make it safe
to shore, we will realize that it is because the hand of
the Lord lifted us above the waves as surely as Jesus
lifted Peter out of the waters (Matthew 14:22-32).
Next, we face the rivers whose flooding can sweep
us away as we helplessly try to swim against them.
In the days when this was written, no bridges existed
in that part of the world. When the rivers were en-
countered, they simply had to be forged. That could
be difficult enough on a good day but when the riv-
ers were at flood stage, it was hopeless to try to cross
them. There are troubles that can carry us away � an
addiction, a habit, a particular temptation that we
might be able to handle well enough on a good day.
But then one comes like a flood, our feet give way, the
currents pull us downward, ever downward. What
does the Lord promise to those who rely on Him? "You
will not drown." What is impossible in that moment
for us to overcome is His opportunity to show us that
He can sustain us, rescue us and deliver us in the
angry rivers of life.
Finally, there is the threat of fire. Where we might
be able to fight against the ocean's waves for a few
minutes or manage to keep our heads above water for
a while in the river current, we cannot sustain the
burning of our flesh for even a few seconds. The flames
create a sharp, intense pain causing every nerve and
effort of our body to move away and seek immediate
cooling. Some afflictions come suddenly, intensely so
that we cannot think of tomorrow, cannot consider
what our plans had been for that day. The fire must
be quenched, the burn wounds instantly treated. And
these afflictions leave scars. Despite what these fierce
afflictions can do, God assures the believer that "you
will not be burned up; the flames will not consume
you." In our greatest trials, our most painful moments
God shows His most tender mercies.
The old chorus says,
Got any rivers you think are uncrossable?
Got any mountains you can't tunnel through?
God specializes in things thought impossible
And He can do what no other power can do.
Lt. Colonel Allen Satterlee
is Editor�in�Chief and National
Literary Secretary.
The child of God will gain new
heights by being uplifted
by the Spirit of God.