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War Cry:
How did you get into the fi lm industry
and form Riot Studios?
Alex Carroll:
I saw Will Bakke's first documentary,
"One Nation Under God." He made it with Michael Allen
while they were in college. We have been friends since
high school. As a young entrepreneur, I was learning
how to spot talent. I saw the talent in Will and Mike and
just said, "Man, I want to be a part of that." We've been in
the film industry now for 4 � years. We just wanted to
spend our time on stuff that we feel matters. We want to
tell good stories and make compelling art that challenges
people. It would be terrible for us to spend three years on
a movie that didn't mean anything and didn't go deeper.
Your earlier fi lm, "Beware of Christians,"
consisted of your crew traveling through Europe
and asking people what they thought about God
and religion. How has working on that movie and
"Believe Me" infl uenced your views on contempo-
rary Christian culture?
It has made me question why more people don't
ask more questions. Working on "Beware of Chris-
tians" and traveling around the country talking about
the film and getting to converse with high school stu-
dents and college students about Jesus, about our faith
in God, made me realize that we are not asking the
right questions about why we believe what we believe.
The War Cry | SEPTEMBER 2014
A Conversation
Movie Producer Alex Carroll
dove into the fi lm industry with two
friends after graduating from Georgetown
University's McDonough School of
Business. They wanted to engage with
other people and challenge them to
"ask the right questions" about life." Their
latest movie,
"Believe Me,"
released this
month, makes people laugh while chal-
lenging them to face tough questions
about truth and the choices we make.
Here Mr. Carroll discusses
with Editorial Director
Jeff McDonald what they
hope to accomplish
as independent
fi lmmakers.