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The War Cry | SEPTEMBER 2014
If you, or someone you
know, is in need of
domestic violence services
please contact the
National Domestic
Violence Hotline at
1-800-799-SAFE (7233).
How the Gospel Applies to Domestic Violence
Domestic violence is no respecter of age, economic status, race or educational achievement. Fortunately,
the gospel applies just as universally. In situations where hope seems lost, where evil seems to be winning,
Jesus speaks to victims and abusers. There are no clich� answers, but there is a consistent Savior.
You are deeply loved. Your abuser may have told you otherwise, but you are loved. Your worth is not based on
performance, appearance or moods. Christ died for you. The Son of God loved you enough to die so you could
have hope, the hope of being accepted as you are.
Your sins have been paid for. God is the only true
judge and dying on the Cross to pay the price for our
sins, He said, "It is finished." Whatever grievances your
abuser may claim to have against you, you do not
deserve punishment. The abuse is not your fault.
You're not alone. There are others like you who suffer
in silence. Jesus promised that He would never leave
you. Even in your darkest days, He hears your prayers,
feels your pain and stays. Often He makes His presence
known in the words and actions of another person. You
need other people to walk with you through the healing
process, to navigate the effects of the trauma you've
endured. Counselors, other survivors and friends are
there to help you if you'll ask.
It's okay to leave. Your loyalty, your desire to help
your abuser and your commitment to marriage are
noble, but you have permission to leave. For the sake
of your life and the life of your children, there is no
shame in leaving an abusive situation.
Your sin is not bigger than Christ's salvation. You may hate yourself when you get violent, but you can't seem to stop.
Your sin is not too much for God to handle. Jesus' death on the Cross to pay for our sins covers your offenses, too.
You need a Savior. Despite your efforts, your attempts
to stop, your promises that it will never happen again, it
does. You can't change by yourself. You need the God who
created you to change your heart, your mind and your
behavior. In that way, you are no different than the rest of
humanity. Jesus says to you, "Go and sin no more."
Help is available. The abuse you endured, the rage that
overcomes you and the habits that die hard are not battles
to be fought alone. In addition to a Savior, you need
people to walk with you through the healing process.
There are counselors and recovery programs that exist
for the purpose of helping you find your way again.
It's okay for them to leave. Your loved ones, those who
have been at the receiving end of your anger, need to feel
safe. They need to be safe. Deep down, if you love them
like you say you do, you know this and you know their
safety cannot be guaranteed with you... at least not
right now. Let them go. The only behavior you should
be trying to control is yours. Maybe their absence will be
the motivation you need to work toward lasting change.
Sometimes God asks us to give up the very thing that it
most important to us, for the sake of showing us something
better. It's not easy, but He always has our best in mind.
Tiffany Marshall lives in Fort Worth, Texas.