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was born into a beautiful family in Puerto
Rico, but we had our struggles.
My mom
married when she was very young. I was born
when she was 16. Eventually my parents divorced.
After many custody battles, I was sent to live
with my father because my mom couldn't take care
of me. My father was a good man,
but he didn't know God and was
neglectful. He spent much time so-
cializing and drinking, leaving me
under the care of my grandmother,
his friends or the housekeeper.
I was traumatized by the neglect
and abuse. I longed for my father's
love, but he never demonstrated it.
The idea of experiencing genuine
love seemed like a fairy tale. Then,
when it seemed things couldn't have gotten
worse, my father died in a motorcycle accident.
Family disputes ensued between my mom
and my father's family, but by the grace of God,
I was able to move in with her. We moved
often, so I didn't form lasting friendships, and
I experimented with drinking and substance
abuse. I thank God that nothing got a hold on me.
God used one of my aunts to lead me to a personal
relationship with Jesus Christ. She would invite me
to go church, and one day I accepted. Suddenly I found
myself as a teenager accepting Christ in my heart.
Through Christ I met the Father I never really had.
Drifting and Dreaming
I wish I could say that from then on I lived
happily ever after, but I slipped away from this
new love. Still, God had plans for the power of
redemption to come to me as events unfolded.
When the opportunity came to attend school in
Florida and learn English, I moved in with an aunt
who lived there. It didn't take long for me to stop
going to church. I wasn't mature enough spiritually
to realize I was drifting away from God's love.
When things didn't work out for me, I had to go
back to Puerto Rico. Eventually my mom and I moved
to Buffalo, New York, where I met the beautiful
woman who became my wife. Our two wonderful
children were born while we were there.
My wife's parents attended a group program
for transplant patients hosted by
The Salvation Army. The officers
in charge invited us to the corps.
At first we attended during family
events and holidays. The officers
wanted to teach members of the com-
munity computer skills and GED
courses for Spanish�speaking people.
When a grant became available, the
officers offered us the
job. This was a major
turning point for us.
While the corps
officer was giving a
sermon during the
worship service one
Sunday, God spoke
to me about letting
go of all my worries and hurts. So I let go and gave
Him control of my life. Soon after that, God revealed
His true purpose for my life in a dream.
When our new corps leaders sent me to the Army's
candidates' seminar, where people consider applying
to become Salvation Army officers, the Holy Spirit
reminded me of my dream. I realized that God was
calling me to work for Him. Although I struggled with
the prospect for two years, God confirmed our call-
ing. By His grace and mercy I am pursuing God's
will for my life. The Bible verse which helped me
accept my calling is Jeremiah 29:11: "'For I know
the plans I have for you,' declares the Lord, `plans
to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give
you hope and a future.'"
Lieutenant Martinez was commissioned as a Salvation Army
officer in the USA Eastern Territory in June.
God Wanted Me To Let Go
The War Cry | SEPTEMBER 2014