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Heritage Edition
You did it again!
Yes, the Heritage
edition of the
War Cry came
to our home... A
great history les-
son of our roots.
Great minis-
try that you
and your staff
are doing to
spread the word.
We appreciate getting our War Cry
monthly. It is full of messages we need to
ponder. Thanks again and blessings.
Major Ross Zarfas
via email
Forgive and Forget
The August issue
of the War Cry
was well done,
but I take some
exception to
the article by
Cara Rockhill in
Intersection. The
article's categori-
cal statement,
"forgive and for-
get should not be
said together. Ever" is an opinion, not a
clear biblical teaching. When Jesus said
to "turn the other cheek" I could inter-
pret that to suggest forgetting previous
wrongs. Dallas Willard suggested just
such an interpretation in his book Divine
Conspiracy. Ms. Rockhill is correct
that it is virtually impossible to forget
wrongs, but to suggest that forgetting
is an additional burden to be avoided
does not seem to be in keeping with
Christlikeness. The case can be made
that we are to behave as if we have
forgotten and not hold past sins against
people or remind them of those wrongs.
Forgiveness benefi ts the person doing
the forgiving, but I do not agree that
forgetting is an onerous burden that
prevents the blessing that results from
"letting go." On the contrary, I think it
follows from true pardon. As part of a
holiness movement, should Salvationists
not lean on the Spirit to equip us for
the "burden of forgetting" and the self�
doubt that Ms. Rockhill claims is the
result? The mention of Christian love
was notably absent from this article. I
cannot truly forgive without love--or
merely tolerate those around me or
care if they tolerate me--without love.
Captain John P. Ferreira
Springfield, MA
Yes! to August Issue
I love the August issue of the War
Cry! Great articles by Phil Cooke,
Commissioner Debi Bell and Bob
Hostetler. And a powerful inter-
view with Franklin Graham.
Sergeant Steve Simms
via Facebook
Role of Advertising
As a Salvationist for 60 years, I love
the Lord, the Army and the War
Cry. I realize the cost of produc-
ing this great magazine is expensive
and things have changed and the
need for advertisers is helping.
Question: Would you consider put-
ting the advertisement now on the
back cover on the inside back cover
instead so the last thing people see is
about the love of God and the Army?
Silly, probably, but I have to admit the
advertising is not promoting our cause
of the World for Christ and Christ for
the World. This is just one person's
point of view but it is a person who
cares. I don't buy magazines because
of all the advertising. I will say you
have minimal advertising and I am not
complaining. Thank you for reading this
and I leave it with you. God bless you
as you continue to spread His word.
Joanne Priscilla Smith
Fort Myers, FL
via Facebook
We welcome your e-mails and letters
about the
War Cry
. All published letters must be signed,
we reserve the right to edit for clarity.
Send by mail to: Editor-in-Chief, 615 Slaters Ln.,
P.O. Box 269, Alexandria, VA 22313
You Are
Register today at
to receive your
free 16" x 22" poster
suitable for framing
(while supplies last).
Message on the Poster
"For You created my inmost being; You knit
me together in my mother's womb. I praise
You because I am fearfully and wonderfully
made. My frame was not hidden from You
when I was made in the secret place. When
I was woven together in the depths of the
earth, Your eyes saw my unformed body.
All the days ordained for me were written in
Your book before one of them came to be."
(Ps. 139:13-16)
Photo by Paul Kuroda
"For You created my in
most being; You knit m
e together in my
mother's womb. I prais
e You because I am fea
rfully and wonderfully
My frame was not hidd
en from You when I wa
s made in the secret pl
ace. When
I was woven together in
the depths of the earth
, Your eyes saw my unfo
rmed body.
All the days ordained for
me were written in Your
book before one of them
came to be."
(Ps. 139:13-16)
Photo by Paul Kuroda

