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Most of us consider ourselves fortunate just to
have survived a journey into the metaphorical
wilderness. We give thanks and praise that the
storm has finally subsided, we can breathe again,
and we still have our wits intact. We may not
even want to process the experience until years
later, if ever, because it is simply too painful to
think about. A Beautiful Disaster presents us
with the paradox that our "detours" from ordi-
nary life can become much more than train
wrecks that we
would give al-
most anything
to avoid. With
remarkable wis-
dom and knowl-
edge, author
Marlena Graves
reveals how God can redeem
our brokenness in the wilder-
ness by making us more like
people who were created in
His image. She masterfully
weaves together theology,
Scripture and her own story to
show how perseverance in
pain and suffering--taking up
our cross--can help mold us into more mature disciples of
Christ. For Graves, our willingness to trust God in the desert can
produce deeper spiritual knowledge, a closer relationship with
the Trinity and a soul that is being transformed and renewed.
Growing up in rural poverty and isolation in a family
plagued by mental illness, the author found that, far from
abandoning us in the desert, God remains closer than ever
during our pain and suffering. She describes the desert as a
blessing that only masquerades as a curse--a healing place
where God can gradually strip away our illusions, increase
our dependence on Him and bring us face to face with our
true selves. Among other things, the wilderness can mean
serious illness, the loss of a dream or a relationship, waiting
for an answer to prayer and even mistreatment by other
Christians. The good news is that we do not have to suffer
alone. An oasis is readily available in the Body of Christ,
where we can not only be loved well but learn how to more
fully reciprocate that love. Even in the depths of anguish, it
is still possible to become "careless in the care of God," rely-
ing on God to meet all of our needs and becoming more
content with Him alone. If we can hold tightly to God and
loosely to the material world, the Spirit will shower us with
the grace we need to live abundantly. Put succinctly, Graves
writes that the desert "is where we realize God is more real
than anything else. We learn to trust God in the wilderness,
and then we die. But it is not our end, for there we are raised
to new life--made fully alive, truly human." For most people,
the author concludes, life moves back and forth between
the wilderness and the Promised Land. More than just a
book for contemplatives, A Beautiful Disaster can serve as a
priceless discussion tool for small groups and classes in spir-
itual formation.
AVAILABLE from Amazon, Barnes & Noble,,
and your local bookstore.
ost of Jesus' ministry as recorded
in the four Gospels takes place
immediately before, during or just
after the great feasts of Israel.
The origin, meaning and practice of these
festivals all impart rich historical and spiritual
significance for Christians in the 21st century.
In Celebrate the Feasts of the Lord, Com-
missioner William Francis draws on careful
scholarship to explain Jesus' role in the
feasts and the fulfillment of their meaning
through Him. Ancient Hebrew feasts evoke
the centrality of community in celebration,
as well as the way in which joyful worship
feeds our souls, our relationships and our
bodies. Each chapter ends with study ques-
tions for group or individual study. Also in-
cluded is a bibliography of about two dozen references
for those who want to explore these traditions further.
Celebrate the Feasts of the Lord is now in its fifth printing.
AVAILABLE online at and from your nearest
Salvation Army trade department:
Des Plaines, IL -- (847) 937-8896, West Nyack, NY -- (888) 488-4882
Atlanta, GA-- (800) 786-7372, Long Beach, CA -- (847) 937-8896
The War Cry | NOVEMBER 2014
The large print, hard cover
New Living Translation Bible
is durably bound, easy to
read and highly portable.
Readers who are visually chal-
lenged will especially appreci-
ate the clear design, layout
and legibility of this compact
edition. It contains a concor-
dance, full-color maps, an in-
dex of favorite passages in
Where I Find It? and an index
of well-known narratives in
Great Stories of the Bible.
Ninety eminent scholars and
linguists translated the Bible
into English using gender-
neutral language where it
was believed appropriate.
In terms of methodology, the NLT often adjusts syntax to
help the reader, which may make the text less literal. Also of
note is the use of a "dynamic equivalent" philosophy, which
strives for clarity where a literal rendering might confuse the
average reader. In addition, whereas previous translations
date a certain event, as in the twelfth year of a certain king,
for example, the NLT will give an exact year according to his-
torical data. The same approach is used to denote currency,
weight and time. Paraphrasing strives for creativity and
style; the translator sometimes tries to jolt readers into an
understanding of God's Word.
AVAILABLE online and at your local Christian bookstore.