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The War Cry | NOVEMBER 2014
of Aug. 12, 1970; Section 3685, Title 39, U.S. Code, for the
War Cry published monthly
at 615 Slater Lane, Alexandria, VA 22314; Editor in Chief and Literary Secretary, Lt.
Colonel Allen Satterlee, same address. Owners: The Salvation Army, same address.
Known bondholders, mortgagees and other security holders: none. Purpose, function
and non-profit status of organization and exempt status for Federal income tax
purposes have not changed in preceding 12 months. During the past 12 months:
total number copies printed, 4,738,456; sales through paid subscriptions and agents,
6,393; free distributions, 10,339; total distribution, 4,687,009. Average for each issue
during past 12 months: total printed, 338,461; sales through paid subscriptions and
agents, 457; free distribution 739; total average distribution, 334,786. Total copies
printed for September 2014 was: 169,350; free distribution, 1,159. I certify that the
statements made by me above are correct and complete, Lt. Colonel Allen Satterlee,
Editor in Chief and Literary Secretary.
The Kettle Campaign
kicks off during halftime of the
Dallas Cowboys/Philadelphia Eagles Football Game on
Thanksgiving Day (THUR., NOV. 27,
4:30PM Eastern Standard Time (EST), FOX Network.
Join Salvation Army national leaders
David and Barbara Jeffrey
Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones &
special guests for an entertaining start
to the holiday season.
Through the Kettle Kick-Off,
in its 123rd season, The Salvation Army
and the American public reach out
to 30 million people in need.
Learn How to Give & Make a Difference--
Kudos to the August War Cry for enlightening readers regarding
post modernism and its denial of absolutes. Absolutes are the
reason why members of the 82nd Airborne put on a parachute
before departing an aircraft at several thousand feet. As Ravi
Zacharias humorously and ironically stated, "The only absolute is
that there are no absolutes and of that some are absolutely sure."
David Rose, Canton, MI
Just want to say Well Done for
producing another Heritage Edition
of the War Cry again this year!
Major Mike Farrow, via Facebook
Forgive and Forget
I disagree with Captain John P. Ferreira's September letter about
Cara Rockhill's article, "Forgive and Forget" in Intersection of
the August issue. People carry the burden of not being able to
forget even when they have done their best to forgive. Memo-
ries are always with us. God doesn't take them away. When I
read this article I had to read it again, it was so well put. I cut it
out and sent a copy to my sister in Colorado. I knew it would
help her with a problem in her life that she has borne for many
years. I keep it in my Bible case to read from time to time.
Veronica Winebrenner, Burlington, WVA
Men Need Help, Too
I just finished reading the September issue of
the War Cry. But not without crying. I would
ask the War Cry to think of verbal abuse as
well as physical abuse. My wife broke me
verbally and left me for someone else after
29 years. I even tried to kill myself. God is
the only reason I'm alive now. Men do get
abused, too. Don't hide yourself. Stop letting
your pride get in the way. Ask for help.
Grady, Arkansas
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We welcome your e-mails and letters
about the War Cry. All published
letters must be signed, we reserve the right to edit for clarity. Send to:
Send by mail to: Editor-in-Chief, 615
Slaters Ln., P.O. Box 269, Alexandria, VA 22313