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The War Cry | NOVEMBER 2014
The burglar demanded money or her life. Auntie jumped
to her feet and said, "I don't have any money, but
I'll bet you're hungry... come into the
kitchen and I'll fix you some pancakes."
The startled thief, dumbfounded,
followed her into the kitchen and
sat at the kitchen table where
auntie pointed. Having put on her robe,
she opened the fridge and brought
out batter that had been prepared
the night before. She brought out
bacon and butter, put coffee on the
stove and warmed the maple syrup.
All the while, as she whipped
up breakfast, she was talking
about Jesus, what He wants
from us and what He offers in
exchange. As the man ate she
talked a blue streak. He still
couldn't believe what was happen-
ing around him; he had come to rob,
and now he had pancakes and preaching.
Before he could leave he had
to hear the invitation
that God loved him,
had a plan for his
life, and all he had
to do was let God
in to take charge
of his life and
behavior. Evidently
he'd had more than enough
gospel. He left auntie and the house
untie Grace was abruptly woken by
the point of a knife at her throat in
the wee small hours before dawn.
That One Life