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tories about people being intro-
duced to Christ through The Sal-
vation Army often involve re-
demption or rehabilitation. Rick Ahn's
story is different.
When he joined The Sal-
vation Army, he and his family were already
born�again Christians, with successful jobs
and with firmly established church member-
ships in their native Hawaii.
Then news spread through Oahu that a
Salvation Army Kroc Center was coming to
"I was excited to hear that the Army was
building a Kroc here, because I knew it was
a Christian�based organization with stead-
fast values--something I knew the commu-
nity needed," Rick says.
He was even able to help with the new
Kroc Center's development.
"I graduated with an engineering degree
and then served as a commissioned officer in
the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers," Rick ex-
plains. "Later I worked in Silicon Valley and
was able to travel to Central America, Asia
and Europe for business."
By 2001, Rick had returned to Hawaii
("where my heart was") and worked for seven
years at a high-end health and social club in
Honolulu. After that, he worked for a resort de-
velopment company. That's when he heard the
news about the Kroc.
"After a few years of volunteering to support
the development of the Kroc Center, I transi-
tioned into a project position utilizing my pre-
vious engineering and development experience.
I was so excited to work for an organization
that does so much good, and all in the name
of Jesus!" Rick says, smiling broadly.
Rick and his wife and children had been
attending their own church. However, after
Rick began working for The Salvation Army
and learning about its history, he and his fam-
ily decided to join the Army as soldiers of the
Honolulu Kroc Corps. Now Rick is a committed
soldier and member of the Kroc team, and
is his top
"I've been
reminded to
live with ur-
gency in shar-
ing God's love
to those who don't know Him," he says, "and to
encourage fellow believers who do. We're all a
work�in�progress and every person needs en-
couragement on this life journey."
Every day at the Honolulu Kroc, Rick is in
contact with scores of members using the fa-
cility for a variety of reasons. Many of them
are burdened with fear, guilt, pride and
His message to them is simple: "God can
help you overcome these things that the en-
emy intends for evil, so that we can move
ahead to live the abundant life which only
Christ can deliver!"
How I Met
the Army
Riding a Wave
of God's Love
The War Cry | FEBRUARY 2015
Rick Ahn doesn't just
develop projects; he
develops lives.
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