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The War Cry | FEBRUARY 2015
Challenges arose when the
town's only community center
closed its doors, followed by the
YMCA. Water sports were popular
for residents of Coeur d'Alene, and
swim teams excelled. Without a
pool available for practices and
meets, residents sought other
sources. Attempts to attract an-
other agency to build its own facil-
ity and to cajole government
leaders to help out failed, until
Mayor Sandy Bleoum and Sue Philo
learned of Joan Kroc's generous gift
to The Salvation Army to establish
community centers in select loca-
tions across the U.S. They also dis-
covered that the Army had formed
an Idaho task force to choose a po-
tential location for a Kroc Center.
Sandy and Sue joined the task force
and, despite facing steep competition
from larger communities with definite
need, persuaded the group to endorse
their proposal over the others.
One problem remaining: every
other proposal in the U.S. came
from communities where The Sal-
vation Army had established opera-
tions, but the Coeur d'Alene's corps
had closed almost 75 years ago.
The closest Salvation Army opera-
tion was nearly 40 miles away in
Spokane, Washington.
Coeur d'Alene, ID
he people in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho
always find a way to get things done.
With an economy built on timber
and mining, the town was at a cross-
roads when those industries deterio-
rated. So town leaders took advantage of the
natural beauty of the surrounding area, which
is marked by spectacular lakes, to transform
Coeur d'Alene into a tourist destination.
Gravel Pit
Opened its doors in
May of 2009.
First year membership
16,000 -- well above the
5,000 members.
Only Kroc Center to open
in community without active
Salvation Army corps.
The first Army facility in the area
75 years -- has attendance
of 150-200.
Olympic sized Aquatic Facility
used by
4 high schools, Special
Olympics and related competitive
swimming programs.
Community raised
$8 million,
exceeding the previous record
$3 million.
5 counties in the
Idaho panhandle.
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