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but you also need to feel good about
yourself [spiritually]," Captain Den-
nis says.
Calling the daily visitors "an end-
less flow of people," Captain Dennis
explains, "There is a tremendous
opportunity to evangelize here."
In fact, he estimates, in addition
to the soldiery who came over to
the Kroc Corps from the old Ger-
mantown Corps (when it closed five
years ago), some 45 percent of the
new soldiers came
to the Army as a
direct result of their
Ian Dugan works
as an education staff
assistant computer
literacy teacher in
the Kroc computer
labs. "Working here
means so much to
me because I can use
the gift that God has
given me to teach. I
also love to share the
love of God with others here in this
Christian environment," Ian says.
Another Kroc staff member, Coach
Jim Ellis, oversees the impressive
swimming pools that are a favorite
of young and old alike. Coach Ellis
is a nationally�renowned swim-
ming and aquatics coach.
"It is fantastic for The Salvation
Army to have a facility like this
because it puts a new face on the
Army and opens up to the commu-
nity a myriad of things the Army
does to reach out in an at�risk com-
munity," Coach Jim says.
"We save lives by teaching [peo-
ple] to swim and by wanting to get
involved in wellness--physically,
mentally, and spiritually," he adds,
calling the Philadelphia Kroc "a
one�stop shopping" experience for
total fitness.
Rebecca Davis is a soldier in the
Kroc Corps. Her excitement over
the religious aspect of the center
can hardly be contained. She is
a member of the Golden Gems, a
seniors group, and serves as an
usher on Sunday mornings in the
worship service.
"We are a family here. Coming
here means the world to me because
our officers are friendly and loving;
everyone is. These are loving and
caring people, and I feel safe."
One of the newest soldiers of
the corps, Carolyn Carson, agrees,
calling the Philadelphia Kroc "a
beacon of light." Which is what Joan
Kroc said she wanted every Kroc
Center to be.
The War Cry | FEBRUARY 2015
The Kroc is part
fi tness center and
part spiritual center.
In order to have
holistic experience,
you must make
your walk with God
a fi t relationship.
Otherwise, your
physical fi tness
won't matter.
"This is a wonderful facility,
much needed in this community
--particularly among those with
disabilities," observes Pennsylvania
Governor Tom Corbett, during
his recent tour of the Philadelphia
Kroc Center.
Captain Dennis Young's sermon
cautions Christians who always say
that they "meant to" live for Christ.
"Golden Gems" is a seniors group that meets several
times each week to enjoy aerobics, swimming, line�
dancing, and tennis.