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The War Cry | FEBRUARY 2015
In his latest book, 10 Issues that Divide Christians, re-
nowned Christian apologist, national talk show host and best-
selling author Alex McFarland
tackles 10 contentious subjects
for Christians today. These are:
government, American excep-
tionalism, social justice, abortion,
homosexuality, pornography,
war, environmentalism, religious
pluralism and the problem of
evil. He parses these issues
chapter by chapter, and explains
why they should matter to
Christians and what Christians
should do about them, for each
issue breeds a host of difficult
questions. McFarland advocates
getting to the biblical heart
of these matters and engag-
ing the Scriptures, thinking clearly and speaking truthfully.
The author not only explores issues that engender conflict
among Christians, he also helpfully offers advice on how to
approach these tendentious topics in discussion with others.
Primarily, he suggests employing understanding and com-
passion. He reminds Christians to pray, understand opposing
viewpoints, read up on biblical interpretations and contexts,
think logically and treat others with gentleness and respect.
Today's world is hyper�politicized and full of diverse opin-
ions. Rather than shrinking from issues that can stir anger and
disagreement among one another, McFarland urges Chris-
tians to respond to today's urgent questions by addressing
differences and finding the peace that comes from unity. He
writes, "to stand up for Christian truth these days takes cour-
age! But urgently needed is a generation of Christians who
model conviction, maturity, discernment and involvement."
atBarnes & Noble or online at or
The 7 Principles of Faith�Based Parenting: Tips for Rais-
ing Happy and Successful Children in the Twenty-First Cen-
by La Shawn B. Wells focus-
es on the practical application
of spiritual belief in child-rearing.
For the author, an unshakeable
faith in God and a strong family
foundation are essential to rais-
ing your children to be accom-
plished and well-adjusted. Wells
also emphasizes the importance
of bridging generational gaps.
The tools he and his wife used
to raise their three daughters
are grounded in faith, and all
can find them helpful. Drawing
on his professional background,
his own experiences of fam-
ily and faith and direct feed-
back from his daughters, Wells
clearly relates his method for effective modern parenting.
The author outlines seven different principles of faith-
based parenting: seek the truth, and base your life on it;
understand who you are by knowing your family history
and traditions; be family-oriented; be selective about your
friends; change what you need to by removing bad habits;
do not fear failure while working toward success; and al-
ways be yourself, but also see yourself as others see you.
A chapter is devoted to each principle and its applica-
tions. Included at the end of each chapter is a set of related
exercises to be completed and a page of tips for teaching this
principle to your child(ren). Additionally, at the back of the
book is a section entitled "Tools for Success," which provides
different assignments and resources for parents and children
to use in integrating these principles into their daily lives.
at Barnes & Noble or online at
ive modern parenting
anctified Sanity: The Life and Teaching of
Samuel Logan Brengle
(Revised and Ex-
panded Edition)
by R. David Rightmire is
an authoritative biography and theological
assessment of Samuel Logan Brengle, The Salvation
Army's apostle of Wesleyan holiness. This revised
and expanded edition is perfect for those unfamiliar
with Brengle's teachings in addition to those who
want to delve further into his holiness theology.
As a young man, Brengle (1860-1936) expe-
rienced the "second blessing" of immersion into
God's love. Turning down offers to pastor at promi-
nent Methodist churches, he instead volunteered his
services at The Salvation Army. There, he preached
the gospel in colloquial language, which greatly
endeared him to ordinary people. Brengle probed
the depth of holiness in several books and guided
an influential Salvation Army ministry around the world. Ris-
ing through the ranks, he became the first American-born
officer to attain the position of Commissioner. Brengle drew
an estimated 100,000 people to the mercy seat with his
powerful sermons. For him, the practical key to holiness was
to "keep in the will of God, obey
Him, seek Him daily, waiting at
His gates. Read the Bible regu-
larly. Never neglect private prayer.
Keep testifying to the grace be-
stowed upon you. Help others."
Rightmire, a professor of theo-
logical studies at Asbury University,
examines Brengle's views on the
nature and experience of holiness
within the larger context of his life
and global ministry. The revised
and expanded edition of Sancti-
fied Sanity
includes two additional
chapters: Chapter 13 covers Bren-
gle's understanding of the relation-
ship of evangelism and the holy life,
and Chapter 14 explores the way in which holiness finds ethical
expression in his eschatology. It also includes photographs and
the only comprehensive bibliography of Brengle's works.
at or
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