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The War Cry | FEBRUARY 2015
A Conversation
War Cry:
What is a Kroc center?
Carol Seiler:
A Kroc center is actually a short form
of saying the Ray and Joan Kroc Corps Community
Centers. When The Salvation Army received the leg-
acy from the Joan B. Kroc Estate, the main require-
ment was to build and operate centers similar to the
San Diego Kroc Center, a multiple-use facility offer-
ing youth and families recreation, education and in-
struction in the arts. It represents her vision for ac-
cess to a facility that provides opportunities for people
to develop their gifts and pursue their well�being who
would not normally have access to those resources.
How did the Kroc family become aware
of The Salvation Army?
In the late 90s, Joan B. Kroc was driving around San
Diego with one of her friends, who was a former mayor
of San Diego, and said, "If I wanted to leave money to
aid an organization that serves youth, who would be the
most deserving and handle it with the most integrity?"
Her friend said, "What about The Salvation Army?" It
was not a solicited gift. The Army actually had to go back
five times and up their proposal because she kept say-
ing, "Nope, that's not big enough, not enough vision."
What makes Kroc centers unique?
First, these are not supersize corps. We have to put
that notion aside. It's almost like taking the open�air [ser-
vice the Army traditionally holds on the street] and put-
ting it under a roof. It's like a marketplace or crossroads
of people of all ages, men and women, boys and girls, with
varied interests under one roof. Whether they're swim-
mers, coming to take part in a performing arts class, using
the computer lab or a homework room, looking for a good
place to read or just playing basketball, they can find what
they are looking for. Our centers are generally open about
105 hours per week. Due to the sheer scope and volume,
it is like being in the middle of a community, with people
constantly coming and going. Getting to know people at
the intersection of activities presents an opportunity for
Carol Seiler,
President of Women's Ministries
for the Central Territory, talks
Editor�in�Chief Lt. Colonel
Allen Satterlee
about howJoan
Kroc's vision for fostering human
development is becoming
a reality through the Army's
Ray and Joan Kroc Corps
Community Centers.
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