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Oscar De La Garza, a single father of
two, is one of the soldiers of the former
Kerrville Corps who has witnessed the
evolution of the thriving corps community
center from working there. He's there
seven days a week.
"I was sold on the Army long before
talk about a Kroc being awarded here,"
Oscar says. "But having this Kroc is
a huge bonus, both for the Army and
Adds Captain Lacy Parrish,
"The City of Kerrville just loves
the Kroc Corps Center and its
mission. They know the Army's
mission and how we fulfill that
The community recognizes the
Army as a religious organiza-
tion that exists to meet the com-
munity's spiritual, physical and
social needs.
Its religious purpose is hard
to miss--the chapel is the first
thing you see when you enter
the front door. One Sunday each
month the Parrishes and their
Kroc Corps members invite their
neighbors to worship as part of Commu-
nity Sundays.
"This facility gives our corps a unique
opportunity to have dynamic worship,
and connecting with the community
in this way has proven successful in
claiming for Christ many who were un-
churched before," Captain Jimmy says.
"It doesn't matter if we're talking about
the Boys & Girls Club, or activities in the
gym or at the pool, or exercise areas. The
The War Cry | FEBRUARY 2015
Kerrville, TX
Teams compete on
Saturdays in the Victory
sports ministry league,
as parents cheer them
on. Captain Jimmy
gives a devotional
during each halftime.
The Kerrville Kroc
Corps Community
Center opened in
November 2010.
Captain Lacy conducts
the Kroc Corps Band.
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