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The War Cry | JANUARY 2016
Dear Right:
While those who live for Jesus Christ
recognize they are citizens of Heaven
and that this world is not our home, we
are not to spend our time here as disin-
terested visitors. We are instructed to
do everything as if we were doing it for
Jesus, as well as to be salt and light to
our world. One significant way these in-
tentions would be accomplished is in
being the best citizens possible and
casting our vote for men and women
leaders who not only claim to live for
Jesus, but whose lives actually demon-
strate that they do.
If we truly believe that God is sover-
eign, the Creator and Governor of this
world and that He longs for none to be
destroyed but all to be saved (2 Peter
3:9), how could we want anyone outside
of God's will to have any leadership posi-
tion in our country's government? What
kind of person would you want teaching
your children, giving medical care to your
injured loved one, handling your finances
in the bank? Wouldn't you want men and
women whose main goal in life was to
please Jesus in all that they do? Then,
surely, having such a person as the presi-
dent of our country would be especially
desirable. So that is the first thing.
Secondly, measure the candidate's
views on the issues against God's view,
as shared through His Holy Word, the
Bible. What does the Bible have to say
about freedom of religion, marriage,
sanctity of life, parental rights, welfare
programs or immigration? If we are
Christ's and are seeking to please Him,
shouldn't we want to elect
leaders whose positions
closely resemble those of
God? This will take some
work, but our country is worth
Finally, pray. Bathe this elec-
tion season in prayer. Pray for
God's people to have their
eyes opened to their duty of
responsible voting. Pray for
the Holy Spirit to reveal God's
leader for this crucial time in
our country's history. Pray for
the continued trust and de-
pendence upon God by the
leader He is bringing forward.
Our country is at a cross-
roads. Actually, it is teetering
dangerously close to the
edge. If the fervent love of
God demonstrated by the early builders
of our nation resulted in God's blessing
and raising America to power, then how
much more do we need such men and
women leading our country today! Now
is the time for people of faith to stand
up and make a difference.
Dear Curious:
God--who has no beginning or
end, has always been, whose ways
are a mystery to us, who brought the
world into existence with but a few
words--has revealed His mind and
heart to us through the pages of the
Bible. This is a must-read book!
A good place to start learning
more about God's Word is to have a
regular plan of reading. Some peo-
ple like to start at the beginning
and read the Bible through over the
course of a few months and then be-
gin again in a different translation.
Others like to read some chapters
from each testament each night.
The reading alone is helpful in un-
derstanding more about God. But the
consistent study of His Word begins to
provide increased avenues of under-
standing. This can include the practice
of meditating on a couple of verses or
passages of Scripture at a time, with
pen and paper ready to record imme-
diate impressions and revelations.
The use of Bible commentaries and
dictionaries allow us to share in the
studied works and understandings of
scholars to complement what we learn
through our schedule of reading.
Conduct selected studies of the Bi-
ble, such as word studies, Bible per-
sonalities, topical explorations. Per-
haps there is an appropriate school
or church that is offering classes in
various aspects of Bible study. May-
be you might like to learn about the
Bible through its original languages.
Ask the Holy Spirit to guide you as
you begin a deeper look into God's
Dear Aunt Sally:
With election season getting
started, what should Christians
consider when selecting our next
--Want to get it right!
AUNT SALLY is happy to provide free personal advice and opinions on a variety of subjects.
Need help with relationship problems, spiritual questions, parenting situations?
Ask Aunt Sally!
Send your questions or comments to Aunt Sally via email at [email protected] or by
regular mail at Ask Aunt Sally, Salvation Army Publications, 615 Slaters Lane, Alexandria, VA 22313.
Questions appropriate for printing in the War Cry will be answered through this column.
Dear Aunt Sally:
How do I learn more about
God's Word?
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