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The War Cry | JANUARY 2016
news of the Gospel is this: though
deeply enmeshed in sin, in the light
of God's grace we discover grace is
greater than our sin. At that point,
faith blooms and brings to light our
shortcomings, failures and remorse,
which we acknowledge before God.
God's grace saves us from the
penalty and guilt of our sin and
reconciles us from the relational
separation from God that sin
occasioned. This happens because
Christ paid the penalty for our
wrongdoings and brings us by grace
to share in His very nature. As we
are cleansed from sin, God's grace
makes possible our new life in
Christ. We are saved by the justify-
ing grace of God and experience His
initially sanctifying grace.
Sadly, too often the journey
comes to a halt. People saved from
sin get busy in the church. If
salvation means getting saved from
sin in order to go to Heaven, then
faith becomes a bus stop religion.
There is no further progression. We
remain immature and underdevel-
oped as we wait for God's glory bus
to Heaven. Carnality reigns as we
become victims of old habits. We
surrender to temptation and
regress to sin.
Thankfully, there is more to the
journey. There is power over sin
and growth in grace through
deepening acquaintance with God.
Reconciled with God, we may be
restored to holiness by God's
acquainting grace. A deeper, purer
life is possible, bringing us to the
sanctifying grace of Wesleyan
holiness teaching.
The Way of Holiness
The Army teaches holiness, a
deeper life of acquaintance with
God. Life becomes both intimate
and limitless in holiness of heart
and life through God's glorifying
grace. John Wesley called the
grace-filled acquaintance process
the Via Salutis, the "Way of Salva-
tion." Salvation Army holiness
teaching proclaims Wesley's under-
standing of God's Way of Salvation.
Jesus said, "I am the way, the
truth, and the life. No one can come
to the Father except through Me"
(John 14:6). He also said, "Those
who remain in me, and I in them,
will produce much fruit" (John
15:6). The Salvation Army empha-
sizes that we cultivate the fruit of
the Holy Spirit and the fruit of
sanctified service through our
profound love of God and others.
Jesus also said, "If you love Me,
you will obey Me." Obedience is key
to remaining in an intimate faith
relationship with Christ, where His
continuing grace is at work in us.
Doctrines 9 and 10 of the Army's
articles of faith are at the heart of
its teaching of holiness in the
Wesleyan spirit. The first eight
doctrines cascade through God's
revelation of Himself (one through
four), to humanity's problem (five),
to justifying grace and initial
salvation as God's response to our
dilemma, sin and death (six, seven
and eight). Doctrine nine teaches
the process of holiness, what
theologians call synergistic sanctifi-
cation. This involves spiritual
formation through obedience and
growth by God's grace, increasing
our resemblance to Christ by
intimacy with Him in dynamic,
interactive ways. In light of doc-
trine nine, our exposure to means
of grace (i.e. prayer, Scripture,
worship, fellowship with mature
Christians, fasting) is key to our
ever-deepening journey to know
Christ. Doctrine 10 makes clear
that intimacy with God, the privi-
lege of all believers, is character-
ized by purity of heart and comes
from encountering Him and allow-
ing God to fill each heart and life
with His essence, holy love.
The good news of the gospel does
not stop at the cross and resurrec-
tion with salvation from sin only.
God's grace and blessing are
limitless. We continue the journey.
The Holy Spirit perfects His
likeness in us. Our capacity to be
filled with the Spirit, who does
more through us than we could ever
imagine, grows. We are being
perfected in His likeness for service
to the praise of His glory.
Acquainting grace and the way
of holiness is our hope and the
reason for our optimism. We adhere
to Wesleyan holiness in teaching,
ministry and mission.
Dr. Jonathan S. Raymond, co-editor
of Word & Deed and President
Emeritus and Senior Fellow at
Trinity Western University, lives
in Wilmore, KY.
e Salvation Army
Handbook of Doctrine
We believe that continuance in
a state of salvation depends upon
continued obedient faith in Christ.
We believe that it is the privilege
of all believers to be wholly sanctifi ed,
and that their whole spirit and soul
and body may be preserved
blameless unto the coming of
our Lord Jesus Christ.
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