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War Cry:
What led you to publish an
updated version of Brengle's writings?
Bob Hostetler:
Samuel Logan Brengle has had
a huge influence in my life. When I was a teen-
ager I started reading his books, and they led me
into a deeper relationship with Jesus. Having
been raised as a Salvationist and, for a time,
serving in the officer ranks, I've always thought
that Brengle deserved a wider audience. His
writings had such an impact on my life and still
do. He hasn't had the exposure that I would like
to see his writings have. A few years ago, I part-
nered with the USA Eastern Territory to pro-
duce the one-year Brengle devotional called Take
Time to Be Holy
. That project transitioned into
updating and revising his books.
It's long been an interest of mine. It seemed
natural to try to find a way for more people to
come into touch with his writings. Even Salva-
tionists who encounter his books as they ap-
peared for almost 100 years now face obstacles
of language, outdated references, and so on.
How did working on these books
personally affect you?
I have always included one or two Brengle
books in my annual reading plan. I read about
100 books a year, with half a dozen that I reread.
Brengle's The Way of Holiness and Heart Talks
on Holiness
are two of the books I reread. But it
was such a huge blessing day after day to be
saturated in his inspired words and his godly
perspectives. It was a real revival and renewal of
personal heart holiness in me as I went through
lived in a very different era,
yet, as Bob Hostetler
discusses with Editor�in�Chief
Lt. Colonel Allen Satterlee,
his prescriptions for
holy life are even more
necessary today. A prolifi c
author and speaker who
includes in his repertoire
a dramatic portrayal of
S. L. Brengle, Mr. Hostetler
is general editor of the
new, updated six�volume
edition of Brengle's
classic Holy Life series.
The War Cry | JANUARY 2016
A Conversation
The 21
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