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his year, Christianity may be making a come-
back. Just when everyone thought God was
dead, faith began to spread again. Though
nonbelieving cultural elites in media, academics and
entertainment might be the loudest voices in the room,
a new Pew Research Study indicates that Christianity is
alive and well in the United States. Among it's findings:

73 percent of adults believe Jesus was born to a

81 percent believe the baby Jesus was laid in a
75 percent believe wise men guided by a star
brought Him gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh.

74 percent believe an angel announced the birth
of Jesus to shepherds nearby.
The War Cry | MARCH 2015
The study indicates that
65 percent of Americans
believe all four of these elements
of the Christmas story, and a mere 14 percent believe none
of them. These numbers don't only represent the Bible
Belt: 54 percent of liberals believe in the virgin birth, and
among adults with postgraduate degrees 53 percent affirm
the virgin birth of Jesus.
Hollywood saw it coming. It seems studio executives
finally discovered the Christian community is the largest
target audience of all. So, while Christian-themed movies
have been hit-or-miss, they now understand the Christian
audience is increasing, not decreasing, and the more a
movie sticks to the Biblical account, the bigger the box
office success.
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