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M A R C H 2 O 1 5
How Do The World's
Major Religions
View Eternal Life?
e know what we, as Christians, believe about eternal life.
But what do other major world religions see as the way
to live forever, if they do at all? Let's take a brief look.
Is there an afterlife?
Yes. Eternity in Heaven relies solely on acceptance
of Christ's sacrifi ce on the cross. The alternative is
eternity in Hell.
Yes, but historically it has not been emphasized.
Beliefs vary from no afterlife to a shadowy existence
in the world to come.
Yes. Eternity in Paradise or Hell.
Yes, but conditional. Reincarnation occurs until,
through enlightenment, one achieves a heaven-like
existence in eternity.
Yes, in a way. Reincarnation occurs until one
gains enlightenment.
How does an individual prepare
for life after death?
Accept God's sacrifi ce of His Son in our stead.
God's Holy Spirit works within the heart, mind and
soul to develop Holiness and Sanctifi cation. A person
grows in faith through Christlike living, Bible study
and prayer (although these are not qualifi ers for
entrance into Heaven).
Obey God's commandments and live ethically.
The focus is more on this life, rather than the next.
Submit to the will of God (Allah) and adhere
to the Five Pillars: faith, prayer, alms, pilgrimage
and fasting.
Avoid suffering and gain enlightenment in this
life in order to eventually be released from the cycle
of rebirth, or at least attain a better rebirth through
merit. This is done through meditation, mantras
and devotion to several deities.
Humans are in bondage to ignorance and illusion
but can escape through release from rebirth or
a better rebirth. This is done through yoga, medita-
tion, devotion to a god or goddess, pilgrimage to
holy cities and living according to one's dharma
Who alone makes a positive
afterlife possible?
Jesus Christ, Son of the Living God
The individual
The individual
The individual
The individual
"Without the shedding of blood there is
no forgiveness [of sins]."
-- (Hebrews 9:22)
"For God loved the world so much that He gave
His one and only Son, so that whoever believes
in Him will not perish but have everlasting life."
W W W . S A I N T E R S E C T I O N . O R G