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The War Cry | MARCH 2015
wailing, the plaintive dirge of fl utes, pleas for the dead
to come back and torn clothing. The stoutest heart
was moved to tears at this outpouring, and Jairus felt
his throat tighten and his tears fl ow unchecked. As
they entered the house, Jesus said, "Why all this com-
motion and weeping? The child is not dead; she's only
asleep" (vs. 39). Jesus' words were so ridiculous that
the mood shifted from sadness to scornful derision. His
words were madness!
Yet Jesus decisively moved the mourners aside and
gently took the mother and father in hand. Three dis-
ciples trailed Him. Perhaps as fascinated as they were
grief-stricken, Jairus and his wife watched Jesus move
close to the bed, kneel beside it and speak the words
talitha koum," meaning "little girl, wake up." This was
the Aramaic greeting that many parents said to their
children as they woke them in the morning. How many
times had the girl's mother whispered those words in
the little girl's ears? How many times had her little
one greeted her with a smile as she opened her eyes?
How many times had she felt a little warm body press
against her chest in an expression of love?
Then it happened! As she had each morning of her
life until then, the girl opened her eyes. Not only was
she alive; she was completely well. She got up and
walked straight into her parents' waiting arms. Of all
the embraces over the years, there was never one like
this. Jairus' worst fear had come true when his daugh-
ter died, but Jesus had said, "Don't be afraid."
Life's tragedies, some of the terrible events we fear
in the deep night, do indeed come to pass. But Jesus
says to us as He said to them, "Don't be afraid." Your
situation may not be the same as Jairus', but as surely
as Jesus entered into the sanctum of their sorrow, He
will abide with you in your moment of hopelessness.
Hear Him gently whisper, "Don't be afraid."
Lt. Colonel Allen Satterlee
is Editor�in�Chief and National
Literary Secretary.
The journey of hope ended on
that dusty street. But Jesus turned to
the girl's distraught father and said,
`Don't be afraid. Just have faith.'