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We welcome your e-mails and letters
the War Cry. All published letters must be
signed, we reserve the right to edit for clarity.
Postal Mail: Editor-in-Chief, 615 Slaters Ln.,
P.O. Box 269, Alexandria, VA 22313
The War Cry | DECEMBER 2014
I want to compliment
you and your team on
the excellent Christmas
War Cry. It is very at-
tractive and fi lled with
good teaching and
inspiring stories. Your
covers, in particular,
are extremely engag-
ing and make me want
to pick up the magazine. It was nice to see
Diane Stark's article, "Something to Give,"
about volunteering on the Christmas
kettle, which originally ran in Faith &
, The Army's outreach magazine in
Canada and Bermuda. Her story is a
poignant reminder that gifts are not al-
ways material, but that a kind word, smile
or listening ear can be a blessing, too.
Keep up the good work!"
Geoff Moulton
Editor-in-Chief and Literary Secretary
Canada and Bermuda Territory
Thank you for the copies of the Christmas
War Cry. The women really enjoy reading
them. It is such a blessing to watch them
grow in faith. The community here at the
SCI�Muncy Chapel really appreciate these
magazines and your thoughtfulness.
Thank you for your generosity and gifts.
Rev. Debra L. Reitz
Facility Chaplaincy Program Director
SCI�Muncy Chapel, Muncy, PA
Tracing Lt. Colonel Allen Satterlee's
article "What Child is This?" (Christmas
War Cry) takes the reader on a condensed
journey from the young Virgin Mary to
the shepherds, the wise men, the befud-
dled Jewish leaders, the disciples, Pilate,*
the centurion, the angel at the tomb, and
fi nally... well, to me and to all who will read,
listen and hear. Thanks for an early Christ-
mas blessing. *This line from the article is
very profound: "While not able to grasp
who He was, Pilate was able to tell what
He was not." (Sadly, that is as far as
many seekers get.)
Colonel Dennis Phillips, Via email
My husband and I
are stationed in Mem-
phis as the Area Com-
manders. Our Memphis
Auxiliary has a lun-
cheon in April 2015
with a speaker that
relates to the focus of
the September 2014
War Cry on domestic
violence. We have about 50 copies and
would like to get at least 300 more.
Thank you for your help with this request
and for the excellence that we see
exhibited in this publication.
Captain Barbara Rich, Memphis, TN
I enjoyed the article regarding movies
with a Christian emphasis as well as mov-
ies in which The Salvation Army has ap-
peared. I am sure you did not expect to
cover all such movies,
but I would like to draw
your attention to an
excellent one in which
the Army appears in a
very good light. We
saw it back in the early
60s when we were
stationed in Argentina.
I think the title is "The
Spiral Road." It stars Rock Hudson and
Burl Ives. Hudson plays an atheist doctor
from Holland required to work in what
was then known as the Dutch East Indies
(Indonesia) following his studies. There he
meets a believer, played by Ives. They
both become acquainted with a Salvation
Army offi cer in charge of a leper colony
whose wife is dying with leprosy. After a
terrible experience, the doctor comes to
admit that there is a God. The Army offi -
cer was a positive infl uence on the charac-
ter that Rock Hudson played. For years
we tried without success to obtain a
DVD of the fi lm. However, some years
ago my wife Yvonne was able to obtain
it for me for Christmas.
Colonel Frank Payton, Via email
I read Mr. McDonald's
articles on poverty
(see Sept. � Nov. War
Cry). They were out-
standing. He is an
excellent writer with
well balanced and
comprehensive per-
spectives on the issues
he addresses. I am an
agnostic but believe in the type of social
changes that Jeff discusses. I am not sure
if churches will bring it about but I admire
that work and goals refl ected in the
War Cry. See my blog on ingratitude
Dr. John Persico, Frederick, WI
The October edition of "Intersection"
mentions a "great wall of fame" where
those whom "God is not ashamed to be
called their God" (Hebrews 11:6) could
be listed. We have such a Christian
Great Wall of Fame. It's called The Lamb's
Book of Life: "Nothing evil will be allowed
to enter, nor anyone who practices
shameful idolatry and dishonesty--but
only those whose names are written in
the Lamb's Book of Life" (Revelation
21:27). I am 73 years old, born again, a
member of Chesterton, Indiana Southern
Baptist. I worked in Chicago for 25 years.
I was given a War Cry ten years ago and
been a supporter ever since. I also give
the War Cry as gifts. God bless you in
all you do. Your sister in Christ,
Ms. Teddi Ferda, Chesterton, IN
The complete editions of
Word & Deed
, the theological
journal of The Salvation Army,
from November, 1998 to November 2013,
are now available in PDF format at
along with author
and title indexes to articles and reviews.
The journal provides a means to understand
topics central to the mission of The Salvation
Army, integrating the Army's theology and
ministry in response to Christ's command
to love God and our neighbor.
from Nove
It was nice to see
Digital Archive Now Online
t 50 copies and
ck Hudson and
he type of social
The Word Search puzzle appearing
on page 20 of the Christmas
War Cry (page 21 of the Large
Print edition) is incomplete.
For the correct version of this
puzzle, visit
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