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Questions appropriate for printing in the War Cry will be answered through this column.
The War Cry | DECEMBER 2014
Dear Christmas:
The primary focus of worship is to
honor and magnify God. Whether the
worship is done individually or in a
group, people should be transformed
and strengthened in their walk with Him.
There is no single model highlighted in
the New Testament as the one to follow.
Limiting our current day practices to
those done by the new believers at the
dawn of Christianity restricts our worship,
and doesn't allow for the Spirit-led devel-
opment and maturing of corporate wor-
ship over the centuries. Nor does such a
belief allow for the Spirit's ability to lead
us in new forms of worship today.
While the observance of Christmas is
not mentioned in the Bible, historical
evidence from the 4th century AD shows
December 25 was reserved for a Christian
celebration feast honoring the birth of
Jesus. This suggests that the original
purpose for that early `Christmas' was
The most pivotal and holy event in the
history of mankind was God becoming
man, in the form of a tiny baby. The birth
of Jesus led to His life, His ministry and
His sacrifice for the world. So, we can say
that because there was a holy birth, the
redeeming death was then possible mak-
ing salvation available to anyone who
would claim it. Because of the birth, hope
entered the world. THAT is cause for wor-
ship and celebration.
Today Christmas has become the big-
gest celebration in the world, observed by
Christians and non�Christians alike, yet
with a greater focus today on things hav-
ing nothing to do with Christ. Enjoying
some of the secular traditions that have
sprung up around this holiday can add
to the sense of excitement and fun, such
as caroling, decorating, gift-giving and
We should celebrate during this pre-
cious Season. Enjoy the hot chocolate,
tree trimming and holly. But also look
for opportunities to reflect on, lift up, and
rejoice in Jesus. Select Christmas cards
that highlight Him. Put up decorations
that have messages about Christ. Do
some simple family advent activities
around the dinner table every night.
Memorize Scriptures about Jesus' birth.
Adopt an angel from the Angel Tree.
Keep Jesus as your Reason for the
Season. And have a Merry Christmas!
Dear Aunt Sally:
How is observing Christmas true
worship since it's not in the Bible or
practiced by the early church in the
New Testament?
-- Christmas as Worship?
Dear How Fast:
The spiritual discipline of fasting is a
valuable experience that can further
deepen our relationship with God. It in-
volves going without sustenance for
a period of time for the purpose of
focusing more fully on Him. Denying
ourselves food during a fast eliminates
distractions and allows us to give our
undivided attention to God, in the hopes
that we can connect and hear from
Him. We are unrushed, seeking, open,
attuned to hear His counsel.
The response may not come quickly,
may not come at all during the fast. But
our subsequent sensitivity to His voice
and leading can be heightened because
of the experience, allowing us to see
our situation more clearly from His per-
spective. The most important aspect of
fasting is understanding its purpose,
and having the sincere desire for focusing
on God.
There are different types of fasts for
various periods of time. A good beginning
is a `partial fast'. This involves going with-
out one meal during the day, and spend-
ing that time in prayer. Start there, and
see where the Holy Spirit leads you.
Dear Aunt Sally:
Please give me information
about fasting, especially how
you do it. When I tried, I could
only go one day.
-- How Fast?
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