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The War Cry | NOVEMBER 2013
We welcome your e-mails and your letters
about the War Cry. All published
letters must be signed, and we reserve the right to edit them for clarity.
Send by email to: [email protected]. Send by mail to:
Editor-in-Chief, 615 Slaters Lane, P.O. Box 269, Alexandria, VA 22313
More Million $ Playgrounds
Public money is used to build
and operate libraries, muse-
ums, concert halls and any
number of other things that,
combined, do not come close
to benefiting the number of
people entertained in our
sports stadiums. Much of the
cost of the sta-
diums is paid by
team owners and
their sponsors,
which is not the
case for some of
the other public
projects. These
stadiums offer a
public resource
that is unobtain-
able any other
way. When Hur-
ricane Katrina struck, only
New Orleans' stadium was
capable of providing shelter
to so many for so long. Sup-
pose it had never been built?
We seem to want to demon-
ize other people's interests
and ideas, but we need all of
our interests and ideas. Why
not change your question to
ask how we can make better
use of sports stadiums? Why
couldn't museums put exhib-
its next to the food vendors?
Why couldn't art be displayed
on the walls? Why can't the
big screens show snippets of
information about the home
team's mascot at halftime--
say Native American history
or Bengal tigers
in the wild? Why
can't our stadiums
bring together our
sports and intellec-
tual interests? For
that matter, why
couldn't a library
put a temporary
extension in a cor-
ner of a stadium
on game day?
I remember fondly
the athletic youngsters in my
classes in a rural grammar
school and high school. They
are just as entitled to a public
venue in which to showcase
the physical skills as any op-
era singer, scientist or artist.
J.W. Lane
Sent from Motorola
How Christians Respond
As a retired SA officer I reli-
giously read every issue of the
War Cry. After reading about
Lorrie Wolfe and family in
the article "The Other Side of
Fear," I am compelled to say
this is one of the most moving
stories I have read in
recent years. It high-
lights exactly how
a Christian and a
Christian organization
should respond to fami-
lies in need.
Thank you for publish-
ing this story in such
a compelling manner.
It deeply touched my
heart. Undoubtedly
it will be a means of
blessing to all who read it. It
certainly made me proud to be
a Salvationist for 80 years and
a commissioned officer for 40
years. The War Cry just gets
better and better. Blessing on
all involved in publishing this
wonderful magazine.

Major Oliver Stenvick
Folsom, CA
Million $ Playgrounds
Your September 2013 story [in
Intersection] on "million dollar
playgrounds" really hit home.
America has its idols and Baals
just as Judah and Israel did
in the Old Testament--from
TV programs to NAS-
CAR to baseball to
football. We are also
addicted to ungodly
fashions coming from
Paris, London and
Hollywood. We have
plenty of time for all
kinds of trivia and
absolutely no time for
God, church and spiri-
tual endeavors. Our
lifestyles are saturated
with the secular and are off
the charts of God's require-
ments for holiness, sacred
songs and music. "Take time
to be holy" is unknown in
our noisy world. Arizona is a
magnet for wealth which sup-
ports all kinds of sports but we
have no money for God, the
church, missions or the poor.
Jonas Christner
Kingman, AZ
Hard Copy Advocate
When I receive my copy of
the War Cry each month,
I read it and then recycle
it by taking it over to the
Green County, Wisconsin
facility. The ladies are al-
ways grateful to be able to
put it in their reading room
for the patients. I mention
this only to tell you that I
don't want to receive the
War Cry electronically be-
cause I believe more people
will have an opportunity
to read it by actually hav-
ing it in their hands.
Barbara Griffin
Monroe, WI
True to the Gospel
I just finished reading the
July 2013 issue of the War
This was the
first time I've seen
the magazine, and
I found it to be a
wonderful read!
Each article was
packed with great
insight and wisdom.
Reading the War
also made me
realize that I am
indeed a part of
something great.
I've been a contributor to
The Salvation Army for
years. It is one organization
that truly is carrying out the
works of Jesus Christ, giving
Him all the glory. Thank you
for being true to the Lord
and the gospel He created.
Vicki Rasmussen
New Bern, NC
Ask Aunt Sally
Aunt Sally's response as
to how much financial
help she should give to
her grown daughter was:
"Her life is in her hands."
Did the father in the story
of the Prodigal Son "take
clear inventory of his own
financial and emotional
health," as Aunt Sally wrote,
or did he just give him his
inheritance and let him go?
Remember his response
when his son repented and
wanted to return home?
Children mature emotion-
ally at different ages.
After the book Tough Love
came out, many disobedient
children ended up on the
streets when their parents'
patience grew short. Our
relationships with children,
whatever their age, need
to reflect the character of
God, who overflows with
compassion, grace and love.
Elisabeth Kalmar
Evanston, IL
The Comfort of Psalm 91
Your article on Psalm 91
brought back memories of
a friend's testi-
mony after World
War II. I have
remembered this
psalm all my life,
since he said it
helped him get
through the war. I
reviewed it again,
and can see why
it gave him com-
fort in his soul.
My husband
always gave a generous
donation to The Salvation
Army and has been gone
for four years. I continue
to include you in my tithe.
Ruth Mesler
Kansas City, MO
Richly Blessed
Thank you for support-
ing our inmates at the
South Florida Recep-
tion Center and Satellites
through your generous
donation of the War Cry.
We are indeed grateful
for your contribution; it
is truly a rich blessing.
Oscar Torrens
Doral, FL
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