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The War Cry | NOVEMBER 2013
is full of admonitions to remember
God's acts of power and
If you are thankful for something,
say so. Silent gratitude isn't much
use to anyone. Everyone likes to feel
appreciated and saying thank you is
one way we convey that.
Cultivating a thankful heart is
possible for anyone. Here's how:
Give thanks for the small,
ordinary things.
I make a concen-
trated effort to thank God for the
things that most people don't think
twice about--clean water, my bed,
even my comfy pajamas! I truly am
thankful for these things, and I make
it a point to let God know that I am.
Give thanks independent of
Our lack of feeling grate-
ful does not change reality--God is
good, all the time. When I focus on
my feelings, though, I find I have
very little to be thankful for. True
gratitude comes from a heart of
love, not from how we feel.
Look for the hidden blessings.
Sometimes we have to actively
keep ourselves alert to the subtle
or indirect blessing of God. I've
noticed that when I'm shopping alone
with my four daughters I always find
a parking place close to the store's
entrance and near a cart return.
Coincidence? I don't think so. God
knows how grateful I am for the
"extra help" on these days.
Thank God in the midst of
While in chains in
prison, Paul gave thanks for God's
goodness (Philippians 1:3). One
night during an excruciating mi-
graine, I was determined to praise
God and thank Him for His goodness
even in the midst of my pain. It was
one of the best times I've ever had
with the Lord.
Put things in perspective.
you been grumbling because you
can't afford a new table and chairs
for the dining room? Go serve in a
soup kitchen for the homeless. Find
it difficult to be thankful for your
job? Spend a few minutes with the
people in line at the unemployment
office. Do you find yourself complain-
ing about minor aches and pains?
Pray for someone with a terminal
illness. I find that when I put things
in proper perspective my gratitude
level soars.
Keep a record of God's faithful-
As the old song goes, "Count
your blessings, name them one by
one." Several years ago I began a
"Thank you" journal dedicated
exclusively for recording blessings
from the Lord. To date, I have many
volumes of these journals filled.
Set aside daily time to express
thanks to God. In ancient Israel,
a daily time of thanksgiving was so
important to the nation that the
Levites were officially appointed
to stand in the temple every morn-
ing and evening to thank God
(see 1 Chronicles 23:30). If we
don't make time to specifically
express our gratitude to God, we
may find ourselves neglecting it
Show gratitude to others as well
as to God. Stock up on thank you
cards and use them generously.
Regularly let family and friends
know how grateful you are for
them. Thank those you cross paths
with frequently--the store clerk,
the office janitor, the mail carrier.
The more we appreciate people,
the more we'll appreciate the One
who put them in our lives.
Give generously to those in need.
Giving is a concrete expression of
gratitude to God. Paul told the
Corinthians that such generosity
"is not only supplying the needs of
God's people but is also overflowing
in many expressions of thanks
to God" (2 Corinthians 9:12). I love
being able to give back to God in
this way as it serves as a reminder
of all that He's given me.
A grateful heart truly is a
thankful heart.
Tammy Darling lives in Three Springs, PA.
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