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The War Cry | NOVEMBER 2013
To be grateful is to see God, the world and ourselves aright--to recognize
that all of life is a gracious gift from His hand. I am learning to develop
gratitude for everything. If I'm tempted to grumble about all the dishes
that need to be washed I now say, "I'm so thankful for all these dirty dishes
because it means we have plenty to eat."
In Corrie ten Boom's book, The Hiding Place, she recalls thanking God
for the fleas in her barracks in a concentration camp during World War II.
Corrie had learned that the fleas kept the guards away, which allowed her
and others to study the Bible without interruption.
Perspective is everything. I love a plaque that hangs in my chiropractor's
office. It simply states: There is always, always, ALWAYS, something to be
thankful for.
It all depends on how we look at things.
When my car got a flat tire on a wet road on my way to a doctor's
appointment, I chose to give thanks that I didn't have an accident instead
of grumbling that I had to reschedule my appointment. It matters a
great deal how we choose to look at things. It's the difference between
gratitude and grumbling.
Pride can keep us from being thankful
in many ways. I know a pre-teen who
refuses to say thank you when she's
given a gift. For as long as I've known
her, she will not say it--even when
prodded by her mother to do so.
I believe she thinks that she "deserves"
these things, so why should she have to
give thanks for them. Faulty thinking no
matter one's age, and yet we've all
probably done it. I know I have.
Speaking two simple but powerful
words--thank you--for any bit of kind-
ness keeps the wheels turning in rela-
recent trip to the eye doctor caused me to
view gratitude in a new way.
As the optome-
trist was doing the various tests to determine
my new prescription for glasses, I was once again
amazed that with each turn of the machine my vision became
progressively sharper. I realized it's a lot like gratitude: Grati-
tude is the lens that reveals God's incredible grace at work.
tionships all over the world. Ex-
pressing appreciation--in any
language--conveys that the
person matters.
In a society where everything
is available all the time, nothing
is special anymore. The impersonal
interactions that exist today are
apparent in the brusque way we
treat each other. When thanks is
lacking, relationships suffer.
Whenever I'm out shopping
or running errands I hold the
door open for anyone else entering
the same place. Many times this
small act of kindness goes unnoticed
without so much as a word of thanks.
Perhaps someone has also
ignored an act of kindness you've
gone out of your way to show. It
happened to Jesus at least once
that we know of. Jesus healed ten
lepers of their dreaded skin disease,
and almost before He finished
speaking all ten were headed for
the city to see the priest. Only one
returned to say
thank you.
Throughout the
Bible people are
called to remember
what God has done
for them. The Old
Testament especially
A Grateful
is a
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