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He'll work it out � I don't know who
He'll use to work His plan �
But I have learned He often speaks
And has His way through man.
He'll work it out � I don't know what
He may require of me
But by His grace, I'll be the clay
Formed as He'd have me be.
He'll work it out � I don't know why
Just now the doors seem closed �
But though the answer has not come,
He's heard each prayer I've posed.
He'll work it out � I don't know how
His ways are not my own �
But every time I've trusted Him
My faith in Him has grown!
He'll work it out � I don't know when
His clock does not run slow
And patiently I'll pray and wait,
His time is best, I know.
I don't know who, what, why or how,
I don't know even when
But I have proven in the past
And I will prove again
That all I need to know � is HIM!
His love my way has planned �
And no good thing will He withhold
From those who hold His hand!
The War Cry | NOVEMBER 2013
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10/21/13 7:06 PM