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To stand signifies continued and lingering fellow-
ship. It is more intentional, actually joining sinful
ways. The Hebrew root of the word "sinners" is an
archery term for arrows that fall short of the target.
It is to enter into a habit of sin, actively doing what
is wrong.
To sit represents feeling right at home, fully join-
ing and belonging. And mocking is the most fatal of
all these attitudes because it represents a hateful
view of the things of God. Recall the mocking around
the cross that represented the most callous and an-
tagonistic actions of Christ's enemies.
The psalmist then speaks
of what the righteous
person does, "whose
delight is in the law
of the Lord, and who
meditates on His law
day and night" (vs. 2). Here the law of the Lord
contrasts with walking in step with the wicked. The
righteous person delights in God's Word. Like the
coin collector who searches his change and discovers
a rare coin, the righteous person, in a much deeper
way, searches the Bible and finds riches there, to
his delight. Jeremiah 15:16 says, "When Your words
came, I ate them; they were my joy and my heart's
delight." Finally, the righteous person meditates on
the Word. The literal meaning of "meditate" is to
ponder by talking to oneself, to imagine what some-
thing means. Meditating deeply and light reading,
are as different as picking up worthless rocks on the
ground and digging deep to mine for diamonds.
"That person is like a tree planted by streams of
water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf
does not wither--whatever they do prospers" (vs. 3).
The tree spoken of here is deliberately planted and
cultivated. And in the wonder of God's creation, trees
transform dirt and water into luscious fruit. The
righteous person does this "in season," at just the
right time. The fruit that is borne will not wither, or
fail in a drought. How many can testify that God's
Word sustained them during their darkest hour,
when all human comfort or words failed? A life lived
this way will prosper, not necessarily with wealth or
popularity, but in the things that last for eternity.
The godly life is a long�term investment, not a day
trading exercise.
"Not so the wicked! They
are like chaff that the wind
blows away. Therefore the
wicked will not stand in
the judgment, nor sin-
ners in the assembly of the righteous. For
the Lord watches over the way of the righteous, but
the way of the wicked leads to destruction" (vs.4-6).
The fate of the unbeliever is outlined graphically by
the psalmist. He says they are like chaff, an allusion
to the method of separating grains of wheat from the
stubble. In the usually windy land of Palestine, the
wheat was thrown high into the air and the chaff was
taken away by the breeze, leaving the good grains
of wheat. Therefore, the ungodly are like the chaff,
fruitless because it is lifeless.
The Psalmist says that the ungodly will not
stand, meaning that in the day of judgment they will
have no right to testify on their own behalf, no claim
on grace, no means to appeal for heavenly clemency.
There is no "good enough" apart from a relationship
with God. Their end leads to destruction. More liter-
ally, the original language indicates a road that dead
ends and produces nothing. Thinking they are going
somewhere, unbelievers find themselves instead on
a one-way road that leads to the edge of a cliff.
By comparison, the "Lord watches over the way
of the righteous." Rather than going nowhere, every
step leads somewhere for the child of God following
his Lord. And the Lord not only leads but knows ex-
actly where that person is, exactly what he is facing,
what it has taken to get there and what it will take
to finish the journey. The old song reminds us,
He walks with God who turns His face to Heaven,
And keeps the blest commands by Jesus given;
His life upright, His end untroubled peace,
Whom God will crown when all his labors cease.
The Salvation Army Song Book
The psalmist has outlined two ways. There is no third.
Which way is yours?
Major Allen Satterlee is Editor�in�Chief
and National Literary Secretary.
Rocks or
the Cliff
Bible Study
The War Cry | JANUARY 2013
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