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The War Cry | JANUARY 2013
Core Group
Polio Project Primary
Health Care Center
Restoring houses
for families
post earthquake
HIV/AIDS & Community
Health Focus
AWSO works with local communities
to im-
plement health programs and promote prevention
through education. Whether it be HIV/AIDS in
Zambia or Haiti, maternal and child health in Kenya or
Tanzania or malaria and polio in Malawi or Angola, these
represent only a portion of SAWSO's work in the commu-
nity health field.
Janet lives with her husband and seven children in a
fishing camp in Zambia. Her husband had refused to be
tested for HIV, believing witchcraft was the cause. Due to
the intervention of Caregiver Mrs. Simbayi of the Army's
STEPS OVC program, Janet is now learning about HIV,
how to care for herself and her HIV infected child and how
to prevent the disease from spreading.
Economic Empowerment
& Microfi nance
AWSO works to overcome poverty
by providing
economic opportunities for individuals, families and
communities through small loans of money or live-
stock, job training and self-help group programs.
Riaz was born to a Christian family in Islamabad, Paki-
stan. Sustaining a fractured leg from a sports injury, she
was no longer able to attend school. She took advantage
of the Salvation Army's training program for candle mak-
ing, gained the skills needed to start her own business and
now supplies 12 local stores with her products.
Primary Health Care
Center and Service
Support Program
Representative Programs
SAWSO offers
world-wide include:
Holistic Approach to Sustainable C
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