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The War Cry | AUGUST 2013
or almost two weeks I had the privilege
of helping the Salvation Army Emer-
gency Disaster team with the relief
efforts in New York after Hurricane
Sandy. Someone asked me, "What was the high-
light?" May my answer bless you the only way
that it matters--God's way.
When bad things happen to people in such a
magnified and horrendous proportion, the ques-
tion comes, "Why would God allow such a thing?"
People asked Major Gilbert Parkhurst of our local
Salvation Army this same question when he was
deployed to ground zero in New York City. His hon-
est answer: "I'm not sure, but God sent me to help."
In one way or another, we all live by faith.
Who or what we have faith in determines the last-
ing strength of our belief. Whether it is money,
family, political power, luck or whatever else, once
you step into a scene of devastation such as that
in Long Beach, New York caused by Sandy, false
sources of reliance are fully exposed. The far�reach-
ing destruction disrupts all recognizable patterns and
routines. Thoughts and emotions become unmoored
and spin out of control. Everything falls apart and
needs to be restored.
Faith comes from our inner core. If we live by
faith in the One who loved us so much that He chose
to die on the cross to redeem each of us, then we
have an eternal hope that impels us to persevere to
renewal--no matter what! Such an attitude of the
heart means we can overcome tragic incidents, and
our personal struggles as well.
None of us have all the answers. Only God holds
that distinction. Let's walk today, not in our own per-
fection, but in the help He provides when we sacrifice
our own agenda to assist others without discrimina-
tion. I'm so grateful that God reveals in His Word
that "I can do all things through Christ who strength-
ens me" (Phil. 4:14). That's not just a highlight.
That's His highest light!
Steven J. Bouley lives in Fairhaven, MA
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