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The War Cry | AUGUST 2013
sentence, claiming it is missing the
noun, yet only through the fullness
of God is it complete.
Who am I ran smack into I AM.
Remarkable, isn't it?
Moses' response, once he knew
God would go with him, wasn't all
that impressive. Instead, he listed
one excuse after another as to why
he wasn't the man for the job. He
even said, "Pardon your servant,
Lord. Please send someone else"
(Exodus 4:13). Sound familiar? It
sure does in my life. I AM might
say He'll go with me, while I keep
asking "Who am I?"
Here's what's incredible: in the
end, Moses went. In fact, with time
he came to savor God's presence
more than anything else. The L
said to Moses, "Go up to the land
fl owing with milk and honey. But
I will not go with you, because
you are a stiff-necked people and
I might destroy you on the way"
(Exodus 33:3). Moses couldn't help
but cry out, "If your Presence does
not go with us, do not send us up
from here" (Exodus 33:15). The
Promised Land held no promise
without God's presence.
Only when we recognize our
complete inability to do anything of
a supernatural nature on our own
can we begin to let God fully work in
and through us. Oswald Chambers
writes, "When we have come to the
end of ourselves, not in imagination
but reality, we are able to receive
the Holy Spirit."
Moses alone couldn't have con-
vinced Pharaoh to let God's people
go, nor could he have performed the
many miracles and plagues neces-
sary to cause their release. On their
own, Joshua and his followers
couldn't have made the walls of
Jericho fall simply by marching and
blowing trumpets. Noah couldn't
have gotten two of every kind of
animal to board his boat. And
without God being with her, my
friend Sheila never would have
grown to love the group of rowdy
Sunday school girls so much that they
begged her to disciple them four years
longer than she originally planned.
The same is true for you. On
your own, you can't fi nish whatever
God-sized task lies ahead of you.
But the real question isn't "Who are
you to complete it?" Rather, it is
"Who is it that will go with you?"
Stacy Voss, founder of Eyes of Your
Heart Ministries, lives in Highlands Ranch,
I AM. Not I am a
a wife, a writer
or whatever
various labels
we have. I AM.
English professors
would balk over
that sentence,
claiming it is
missing the noun,
yet only through
the fullness of God
is it complete.
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