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The War Cry | AUGUST 2013
out when I'm just so tired? Who am I?
Exodus 3 gives us an incredible
answer. You're probably familiar
with the context, the story of the
burning bush, but if you're anything
like me you might not have noticed
how it addresses this fundamental
inquiry. As soon as God asked Moses
to return to Egypt, Moses replied,
"Who am I that I should go to
Pharaoh and bring the Israelites out
of Egypt?" (Exodus 3:11). Who am I?
It wasn't a matter of self-esteem or
identity. It was a simple realization
that the task at hand completely
surpassed the qualifi cations of the
one being called.
God could have told Moses how
He created him in His image, that
he was His workmanship. He could
have told him how all the experi-
ences in his life up to that point were
preparing him for that moment. Or
He could have just as easily an-
swered with the more unsightly
parts of Moses' character: murderer,
one to fl ee when times got tough, a
leader of nothing but sheep. But He
didn't. Instead God simply said, "I
will be with you" (Exodus 3:12).
God's answer sounds like a
diversion, shifting from the question
of Moses' qualifi cations to one of who
would accompany him. My heart
goes out to Moses. Here he was,
called to one of the greatest chal-
lenges in history, but looking at his
ineptitude. And God seemed to
misunderstand. Doesn't provide
much confi dence, does it?
Or maybe it does. God answers
the real question, the one that was
never asked and probably not even
considered. You see, the real issue at
hand wasn't about the capacity of
the person being sent. It had nothing
to do with Moses and everything to
do with the one calling him, the very
One who promised to go with him.
I love what happened next. It's as
if Moses is saying, "Um, you say
you'll go with me, but who are you?"
Of course he asked more tactfully:
"Moses said to God, `Suppose I go to
the Israelites and say to them, `The
God of your fathers has sent me to
you,' and they ask me, `What is his
name?' Then what shall I tell them?'
God said to Moses, `I AM WHO I
AM. This is what you are to say to
the Israelites: `I AM has sent me to
you'" (Exodus 3:13-14).
I AM. Not I am a businessman, a
wife, a writer or whatever various
labels we have. I AM. English
professors would balk over that
Who Am I?
The Real Question, The Right Answer
Have you felt
the same?
Maybe the
were different,
but the result
is the same:
who am I? It's
a question
most of us ask
when called to
something far
beyond our
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