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The War Cry | AUGUST 2013
media, internet and cable televi-
sion. We have the opportunity to
get the message farther, faster,
and cheaper than any time in his-
tory. I can go on Twitter and send
a verse of encouragement to sev-
eral hundred thousand people for
free. Because of the proliferation of
cable television networks, it's more
affordable to have some type of
ministry. You can create an online
presence. That's the unique privi-
lege we have.
What led you to write You'll
Get Through This?
That one comes out of 30 years
as a pastor more than any other
book. Standing in line, talking to
people after church, there will be
15 people that are doing great and
the 16th person's life is in tur-
moil. There's a short time to try
and minister to those people that
will open up other opportunities.
I keep referring back to the story
of Joseph (Genesis 37-50), because
it is a classic case of a person who
had everything turned against him
and yet it couldn't have come out
any better. Somewhere along the
way I picked up the phrase, "Now
you're going to get through this.
Remember Joseph." I saw how a
little word of hope can deposit it-
A Conversation
self in someone's heart and really
change him.
Why do you want to work with
The Salvation Army to share this
What organization better sym-
bolizes concern for people who are
passing through tragedy than The
Salvation Army? From my perspec-
tive, The Salvation Army has the
purest mission statement of any
Christian organization. You ex-
ist to help people who are passing
through times of difficulty in the
name of Jesus Christ. I'm tremen-
dously honored to have even small
participation with it. I may write
about "You'll get through this," but
The Salvation Army has been liv-
ing it, telling people this for 150
years now. It's pretty amazing.
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