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The War Cry | September 15, 2012
over the country from ARC
and Harbor Light officers
and other personnel. Do
we really want to quote
a Salvation Army officer
saying this in our national
Colonel Dennis Phillips
Granger, IN
Never in a Wheelchair
In the April 28th edition
of the War Cry you did a
good job on "God Made
Me A Miracle." But even
though I had no picture of
myself to give your staff, I
did not like the fact that
you used a wheelchair im-
age, because I have never
in my life used a wheel-
chair. People in the West-
ern Territory and members
of my corps know that I
do not use one, and they
commented on the story.
So please don't think
everyone who is handi-
capped uses a wheelchair.
Also, I have ministered
to inmates for 35 (not 30)
years and have been in
The Salvation Army all my
life, 77 (not 72) years.
I enjoy the new format
of the War Cry. I read it
from cover to cover. I just
wish that more of our offi-
cers would promote it.
Dave West
Salem, Corps, OR
No Finger Pointing
I would like to congratu-
late you on the article "The
Woman Taken in Adultery."
It is a fine piece of teach-
ing and writing. I think the
insights are excellent.
Something occurred to me
while reading the article.
Jesus replied to the Phar-
isees by writing in the
dust, as we know. Jesus
was also reminding them
by writing in the dust, that
from dust they were
formed and to dust they
shall all end. They would
have understood this quite
clearly. In between dust to
dust, there is no one life
Almost Laughable
For all I have heard, the re-
cent changes made to the
War Cry have been well re-
ceived. I particularly enjoy
your Bible studies, includ-
ing "The Woman Taken in
Adultery." I remember
William Barclay's com-
ments on this passage as
he invoked the Greek word
for writing in the sand.
Barclay said that the
Greek word, literally trans-
lated, indicated Jesus was
writing specific sins com-
mitted by the woman's ac-
cusers. It is almost laugh-
able ... the "holier than
thou" Pharisees with
stones in their hands hav-
ing their own specific sins
spelled out in the sand.
No wonder, then, they
dropped their stones and
left when Jesus chal-
lenged them, "If any one
of you is without sin, let
him begin stoning her."
One more thought
about the War Cry. As
much as I am a fan of the
changes you have brought
with a new look and for-
mat, I think there is a need
for more careful editing.
A good case in point is the
interview with Major Dan
Hudson in the "Prison Min-
istry" issue. I think I know
what he meant when he
said, "That pig farm was
the Adult Rehabilitation
Center program or Harbor
Light program." But I can
hear ripples of protest all
better than another, and
there is no one sin greater
than another, whether it
be an unwholesome hid-
den thought or adultery.
There can be no finger
Randy Allen
Austin, TX
Booth Anniversary
Thank you for the excel-
lent August 18th issue,
Still Fighting, marking
the 100th anniversary of the
Founder's promotion to glo-
ry. I especially appreciated
the interview with Dr. Roger
Green, O.F., and was stirred
by his candid and thoughtful
Bob Hostetler
Hamilton, OH
As Good As Before
I'd like to respond to
Marcia McCall's note in the
August 4th, 2012 issue. I,
too, was disappointed in
the War Cry makeover, but
after giving it a full test
before letting it go, I now
find it not bet-
ter, but as good
as the old is-
sues. I hope you
will continue to
read it, skipping
the articles you
don't like for a
while as I did
the first few issues. Each
issue meets my approval
more than the last issue. I
can't think of any material
to replace it.
Evangeline Roesslein
Lake Zurich, IL
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