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The War Cry | September 15, 2012
The moving of the Holy Spirit is evi-
dent in the lives of the Women of the
Suffern, New York Temple Corps.
We are committed to making an im-
pact in the lives of women in our
community and we are passionate
about it. We make every effort to
bring the good news of salvation to
our friends, family members, neigh-
bors and co-workers. Our women
understand that we need to share
the blessings we have received with
other women who desperately need
to hear that there is hope.
The Holy Spirit is empowering
these women to share their personal
testimonies with other women.
They love studying the Bible. They
established a prayer chain to inter-
cede for one another and to pray for
the different needs of our corps
members and our Salvation Army.
They contribute to the missionary
efforts of our Army. They seek for
every opportunity to serve.
Our Women's Ministries Secre-
tary, Soldier Alma Lainez, is a liv-
ing example of the blessing of serv-
ing the Lord through Women's Min-
istries. "I give thanks to God for giv-
ing me the opportunity to know
Him. In the past, I found myself
having to go to a psychologist for
help. At the same time, I started to
get involved with The Salvation
Army, especially Women's Min-
istries. The Lord used every aspect
of the meetings--the devotions, the
fellowship with my
sisters, the oppor-
tunities to learn
and to serve--to
bring healing to my
life. I am definitely
not the same per-
son I used to be. I
have discovered
God's perfect plan
for my life. I cannot
thank Him enough
for what He has
done for me and
my family. "These
words from Scrip-
New York
It was the end of a very long day. My husband
and I were filling in as corps officers at the
Philadelphia Pioneer Corps. When I checked
my e-mails before going to bed, I discovered a
note from June Hunt, the host of a Christian
talk show, "Hope for the Heart." whom I had
met previously. Her request was simple. "Joy,
please follow up with Lynn, who called into
the show asking for prayer. Here's her cell
phone number."
Joy informed me that Lynn worked for an
escort service. She knew that women who are
trapped in the malaise of prostitution had long
been a prayer concern of mine. I closed the com-
puter with a prayer, went upstairs and told my
husband, "I'm making a phone call and then
New York
may be going to see a woman in
South Philly."
For two reasons I hoped the
woman would not answer. One was
that it was 11:30 p.m. and I was so
tired that my body cried out for rest. The other
was that being a country girl, I knew nothing
about South Philadelphia, except that it was
definitely not a place I wanted to go alone late
at night. But I knew I would have to go if she
answered the phone.
As the phone rang, I prayed for words of
wisdom and love. What did God want me to say
to this total stranger who needed my help? I
trusted that He knew all about her. The call
went into voicemail. "Hello, this is Sister Joy
calling on behalf of June Hunt from `Hope from
the Heart,'" I began. "You can reach me at this
number any time. I would love to pray with
you. In fact, let me do that now." I prayed, hop-
ing she might pick up the phone, but she didn't.
Continued on Page 16
ture have been a blessing to me:
`The Lord appeared to [me] in the
past, saying: "I have loved you with
an everlasting love; I have drawn
you with loving- kindness."'
"I can say today, without any
doubt, that the Lord showed me his
everlasting love through a wonder-
ful group of women who love Him
and care for others; He has drawn
me with their loving�kindness.
Now I can love and serve others."
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