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What is the biggest challenge
facing women today?
To just name one is not possi-
ble. You have the challenge of liv-
ing in a society where women
work, where there is conflict
sometimes between work and
raising a family. In many cases
women have to work, and years
ago that wasn't so. Finding time
for everything and everyone im-
portant to a happy, healthy life is
quite challenging.
Women still face opposition in
the workforce. In many situations
they are not as valued or paid as
highly as their male counterparts
and opportunities for advance-
ment according to their skills are
not as readily available. Single
and unmarried women also face
many challenges as it relates to
being valued and appreciated for
their skills and abilities.
As National President of
Women's Organizations,
Commissioner Nancy
Roberts knows through
her involvement with Sal-
vation Army ministries the
many challenges women
face in today's world. In
this interview with Edi-
tor�in�Chief Major Allen
Satterlee, Commissioner
Roberts recalls her own
upbringing and her knowl-
edge about the role and
status of women around
the world to provide a com-
pelling perspective on
what it means to be a
woman today.
A Conversation
Society is continually changing,
values are changing, and trying to
understand what's happening and
how it relates to one's Christian
faith can be mind-boggling for
young women. We don't have as
high a standard of values as we
once had, and this standard needs
to be continually challenged. We
sometimes find ourselves where
we do not want to be and not sure
how we got there. We need to be
constantly re-examining our lives
and our actions in light of God's
All that is happening and has
happened in recent years around
the world and in our own back-
yard has caused us to take a deep-
er look at our lives and our values.
We are no longer that "safe" na-
tion in the world. We are troubled
within as well as without. Values
have shifted ... are being tested ...
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