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contrary to what most people imagine, is
very sex-positive. In fact, it is full of good sense about sex and how
to enjoy it. Take the story of creation in Genesis:
Then God said, "Let
us make human beings in Our image, to be like Us. They will reign over
the fi sh in the sea, the birds in the sky, the livestock, all the wild animals
on the earth, and the small animals that scurry along the ground."
So God created human beings in His own image.
In the image of God He created them; male
and female He created them.
Then God blessed them and said, "Be fruitful
and multiply. Fill the earth and govern it. Reign
over the fish in the sea, the birds in the sky, and
all the animals that scurry along the ground"
(Genesis 1:26-28).
There are several important truths to under-
stand in order to enjoy sexuality in a way that
will bring you happiness.
The Pinnacle of God's Work
The passage above comes at the end of the
account of God's creation of the universe. Creat-
ing human beings was the pinnacle. In some
wonderful ways humans
are like God. We have
consciences; we have the
capacity to enjoy fellow-
ship with God; we can
share in His cre-
ative work be-
cause we have
minds and
we are entrusted
with the control
of His world.
We are not just like
other animals; in real-
ity, we are like God.
We are very different
from cats and dogs and elephants.
So it is only reasonable that our sexual conduct
would have different standards and values.
Male & Female
God made human beings male and female. Sex
was God's idea and a vital part of His design
for the universe. Since we are like God, there is
nothing incompatible between the spiritual and
physical sides of our nature.
Indeed, we can say that there is part of our
likeness to God that can only be seen in our sexu-
ality. Of course, we know that God is pure spirit,
that He is not limited to a body. At different
times the Bible describes Him as being like a fa-
ther or mother. So the fact that we are made in
the image of God will be seen in the proper use
of our sexual instincts and desires.
More Good News!
If you're finding this encouraging so far there's
even more good news for you. The first thing God
did after He created hu-
man beings was to bless
them and then say, "Be
fruitful and multiply."
Some of God's first words
to Adam and Eve
were a command
to get on with it!
This is all
very different
from the way
my father spoke
to me when he first
tried to tell me about
sex. He coughed,
shuffled his feet,
looked out the win-
dow, blushed, stammered out a few
words, and then changed the subject. But God
told His creations to make love!
Have you ever seen one of those illustrations
in which Adam and Eve are eating the apple from
the tree? Usually the snake has a wicked look in
The War Cry | OCTOBER 2015

Diorama of Adam and Eve from the Creation Museum, Petersburg, KY.
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