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The War Cry | OCTOBER 2015
"don't let anyone touch your body where your bath-
ing suit covers it" for a five-year-old. Calm, factual
responses to their questions, biblically-based teach-
ing about relationships and discussions about sex
prompted by current events or media coverage all
help remove the stigma of shame from the Talk.
Emphasize the truth that sexuality is normal,
healthy and God-given--not shameful.
Yet when sexuality is not honored, shame and
sorrow take the place of joy. After being raped by
her half-brother, Amnon, David's daughter, Tamar,
is considered disgraced. She "lived in her brother
Absalom's house, a desolate woman" (2 Samuel
13:20). When a sexual abuse survivor is in our
midst, we wrestle with how the ancient theological
themes could speak to the pain and betrayal felt by
victims. We believe that the Tamars of our day
should not be sentenced to a life of desolation. In-
deed, our God is Rapha, the one who heals. The
words of hymn writer Cleland McAfee ring true:
"There is a place of quiet rest, near to the heart of
God, A place where sin cannot molest, near to the
heart of God."
When abuse comes to light, mandated reporting
is often required, and churches have their own
protocol for response. Professional counseling is
generally suggested, but the spiritual friend or
small group can greatly support the survivor by
refusing to ignore or minimize his or her pain.
And what about our sexualized culture? Might
we, as Commissioner Helen Clifton used to do, ask
the local grocer to remove pornographic materials
from front-end supermarket racks? Might we
speak to the scourge of pornography, the danger
of casual sex and the struggle of women to earn
enough to support their families without engaging
in prostitution? Careful selection in our own film
and television viewing, sermons focusing on a
godly understanding of sexuality and the monitor-
ing of our children's internet use may seem like
a drop in the ocean, but it is one drop, then two,
then three. If we don't act, as Mother Teresa re-
minds us, "the world would be less because of
that missing drop."
As we raise our voices and intervene in broken
lives, the most vulnerable among us are protected,
and those damaged by the abuse of others are re-
stored. When the people of God respond with grace,
the Tamars of our world no longer feel alone.
Major JoAnn Shade is a retired offi cer living
in Ashland, OH.
The Long Journey Home; Understanding
and Ministering to the Sexually Abused
by Andrew J. Schmutzer, ed.
Mending the Soul: Understanding and Healing Abuse
by Steven R. Tracy
Rapha's Touch: Healing from Sexual Abuse
by JoAnn Streeter Shade
Survivor Prayers: Talking with God About
Childhood Sexual Abuse
by Catherine Foote
We Were the Least of These: Reading the Bible
with Survivors of Sexual Abuse
by Elaine Heath
Website empowering and training Christian communities
to recognize, prevent and respond to child abuse. -- Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network
Information about speaking to children about sexual abuse.
Anyone looking for confi dential help, support and resources
can call RAINN anonymously at 1-800-656-HOPE.
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