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life is a a testimony to how God can
use anyone, and how He chose to use
I was raised in Kansas City, Missouri, by a di-
vorced mother of four who worked several jobs to
provide for us. She made sure we went to a Baptist
church. When I became pregnant at 14, my whole
world changed. I became isolated. Eventu-
ally, I dropped out of high school and began
working odd jobs to support myself and my
son. Though my mom never complained, I
knew it wasn't her responsibility.
At 21, I intentionally turned my back
on God, began partying and became pro-
miscuous. Though it caused me hard-
ships, I was comfortable with my
sinful lifestyle for years. I didn't
turn back to God until a coworker
invited me to church.
The Pentecostal service was
so different from my upbringing.
It captured my attention. I began visiting every
Sunday. It was as if the pastor's sermons were
aimed straight at me, causing me to examine my
lifestyle and decisions. At that point, I was in one
relationship after another, trying to find the love
only Jesus can give.
I still remember the altar call that changed my
life. God met me there, and the change was dra-
matic. I stopped partying and dating and became
an active church member.
A few years later, an old high school sweet-
heart knocked on my door. Since I wasn't looking
for a relationship, I assumed it must be from God.
Our relationship quickly rekindled. Afraid I'd
fallen back into bad patterns, my pastor counseled
me to be above reproach. So, without even asking
God what I should do, I married this man. At first
our marriage appeared perfect, but in a few years
my husband began taking drugs and became abu-
sive. Feelings of isolation, guilt and shame resur-
faced. I felt I'd failed as a wife--that it was some-
how my fault. Embarrassed, I hid his behavior for
When everything was finally exposed, he en-
tered a Salvation Army rehabilitation center and
people prayed for us, but he relapsed and the abuse
became unbearable. I filed for divorce. I received
conflicting counsel about what was biblical, and
felt pressured about what I should do. Although
people in the church did not treat me differently, I
eventually stopped going, but I continued to fellow-
ship with The Salvation Army.
Though my marriage was over, I believed
God still had a plan for my life. Strength-
ened, I began to use my experience to seek
out and help women in similar circumstances.
God opened a position at The Salvation
Army, and I began to work part-time at the
community center. My corps officers,
Captains Dale and Rebecca Simmons,
were amazed at the way people
were drawn to me and asked if I'd
considered Salvation Army of-
ficership. I ignored this call for
four years because I am close
to my family and couldn't imagine leaving them. I
went to a community college and obtained my GED.
It wasn't until a weekend retreat about officer-
ship three years ago that I answered God's calling
for my life. I went back home, told my family and
began the process to enter the College for Officer
Training in Chicago. I was commissioned this June
with the Heralds of Grace Session. I'm now a single
Salvation Army officer, have an adult son, a beauti-
ful daughter-in-law and three beautiful grandchil-
dren. When I reflect over the years, I realize God has
always been with me, and He is going to use my min-
istry as an officer to especially help women overcome
and succeed in ways I can't imagine.
Pamela Williams, was commissioned as a Salvation Army
officer in June.
A Better Plan
for My Life
The War Cry | JULY 2015
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only Jesus can give.
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