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The War Cry | JULY 2015
Israel L.Gaither
Commission on Planning and Goals. The 13 members,
primarily black, were charged with addressing all as-
pects of Army ministries within the black community.
The committee's recommendations from that historic
commission included inner-city training programs, a
bibliography of black literature, black-oriented
brass and vocal music, the spirit of Salvationism in
the black community, a black ministries newsletter
and historical research relating to the black contri-
bution to The Salvation Army in the United States.
The committee also put forward the idea of fea-
turing Salvationist ethnic booths in Heritage Hall
during the 1980 National Congress, including the
black heritage booth.
The Gaithers rose through the ranks, and
Gaither became the first African-American divi-
sional commander in the United States, as well as
the first to rise to become a territorial commander.
As the Gaithers were appointed to serve in leader-
ship positions around the globe, they brought their
loving influence to bear on every continent (save
The Gaithers might hold the record for the short-
est appointment as territorial leaders ever--three
months--before newly elected General John Lars-
son tapped Commissioner Israel Gaither to be the
Chief of the Staff.
Israel Gaither was nominated by three High
Councils to become General of The Salvation Army,
the first coming in 1999 when he "was a mere colo-
nel!" He was also nominated in 2002 and 2006.
When Commissioners Israel and Eva Gaither
were appointed as the national leaders of The Sal-
vation Army in the United States in 2006, he be-
came the first African-American to hold the office.
The Gaithers retired from active service in 2010.
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