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The War Cry | JULY 2015
One Army, One Mission,
One Message
"Let me tell you what I want," Commissioner
Gaither told the audience at a camp meeting in
New Jersey 10 years ago. "There is only one
thing I want. I want to be God's man."
"In that moment," Gariepy writes in his
book, "I realized, That's it. That's his secret--to
be God's man. That's what makes Israel
Gaither tick!'"
Almost everyone who knows
Gaither, through working with
him or experiencing his preach-
ing ministry, realizes that the
same secret is shared by one and
all who seek an authentic life of
Born to a Baptist preacher in
New Castle, Pennsylvania, he
was the only son among
five children raised by Lillian
Gaither and Reverend Israel L.
Gaither, Sr. Today, Gaither describes his child-
hood as "rooted in God's Word."
"I early learned basic values that were more
a starting point for my Christian faith than for
a specific religious system," he says.
His childhood and early teens were marked by
involvement in the Union Baptist Church, where
his dad was the ordained minister. His mother
had a profound influence on his life as well.
"I was impressed by the strength of my mother
as a woman of conviction and strong belief," Com-
missioner Gaither explains. "The Bible became
instilled as, early in the morning, I would see
Mother with her Bible open. Her powerful
influence came through her Christian living as
well as being an exceptional mother."
For young Israel Gaither, a defining moment
came at age 12, when he asked for God's for-
giveness for the first time. Soon after, a family
of Salvationists moved into his neighborhood
and Israel forged a friendship with one of the
boys. He started participating in
corps activities at The Salvation
Army as well as in his dad's
church. By his mid-teens, how-
ever, most of his free time was
spent at the corps. He eventually
became a soldier.
For two summers, Gaither
worked at the Army's divi-
sional camp, where he grew
more aware of God's call for
him to become a Salvation
Army officer: "This was not just a call to the
ministry but a definite call to leave the church
of my heritage to become an officer."
Years later, he described God's presence
pulling him toward officership as "nearly over-
whelming." He asked God for a sign, and that
sign came within a few weeks.
"While sitting on the porch one morning in
late August, prior to the reopening of high
school, I received a letter from a friend I had
served with just weeks earlier on the camp
staff. On the back of the envelope she had
printed the Great Commission passage:
ubbed "a man with a mission" in a 2006 biography by Henry
Gariepy, Commissioner Israel L. Gaither is commited to being
God's man despite the many barriers he has faced. The trajec-
tory of Gaither's life indicates that God's plan for him has been to
break through those very barriers.
The next
barrier was
infi nitely
higher than
the fi rst--the
color barrier.
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