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A P R I L 2 O 1 5
Dealing with
the Dreaded
wo things are unavoidable
in life: death and taxes.
Which is worse?
Around this
time of the year,
television commercials
abound for tax return compa-
nies claiming they can get
you "what you deserve." I'm not
so sure that's a good thing.
In other commercials throughout the year, companies
tout how their investment strategies can help you
prepare for retirement and build a nest egg. Every
spokesperson hawks his or her version of portfolio
planning. It reminds me of the Old West traveling
salesmen selling tonic guaranteed to grow hair,
increase your energy or clean that stubborn stain.
Like death, paying taxes is nothing new.
Even Jesus had to pay taxes!
Consider an often overlooked miracle
in Matthew 17:27, in which Jesus and
Peter discuss an upcoming tax. Jesus'
instruction is clear: "We don't want to offend them, so
go down to the lake and throw in a line. Open the
mouth of the fi rst fi sh you catch, and you will fi nd a
large silver coin. Take it and pay the tax for both of us."
I consider that just as miraculous as walking
on water or giving sight to a blind man. I've caught
a number of fi sh in my day, but none of them have
ever had coins in their mouths.
Arranging for that fi sh to nearly choke on a coin and
show up precisely when Peter goes down to the lake
and drowns a worm? That's pretty supernatural to me.
One another occasion, Pharisees were trying
to ensnare Jesus on the subject of taxation.
For His answer,
Jesus asked to see a coin, and asked,
"Whose picture and title are stamped on it?"
"Caesar's," they replied.
"Well then," He said, "give to Caesar what
belongs to Caesar, and give to God what belongs
to God" (Matthew 22:16-21).
They couldn't argue with that!
The bottom line is that as Christians we
must live in the world, but not be of it. That
means there are certain things we must do as
members of a civilized society. God understands, as long
as we give Him His due fi rst.
Come 11:59 p.m. on April 15, if you haven't
yet fi led your taxes, you may have a problem.
Remember, Jesus took care of His taxes when-
ever they were due.
Oh, and death? Jesus took care of
that too! That's why we celebrate the Risen Lord
at Easter.
W W W . S A I N T E R S E C T I O N . O R G
`lan-, yap': a gift given or
obtained gratuitously.