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The War Cry | APRIL 2015
ohn, the son of Zebedee and disciple of
Christ, is one of the most widely known and
influential of the 12 disciples. His legacy con-
tinues to impact Christians even today.
Throughout the gospels, we often see John mentioned
along with his brother. The list of disciples in Mark 3 reads,
"James son of Zebedee and his brother John (to them He gave
the name Boanerges, which means `sons of thunder'" (NIV).
This dynamic duo is well known for their enthusiastic fervor
displayed in Luke 9:54, when they wanted to call down fire and
destroy a Samaritan village. However, when this passion and
enthusiasm was redirected, each had unique talents and gifts
that they served Christ with in order to expand the kingdom.
The name John corresponds in its Hebrew form to the Old
Testament name Jonah, which means dove�like. Although the
prophet Jonah did not exhibit many dove�like qualities, John
did. The name John implies "The Lord is gracious," or "Grace
of the Lord." Most scholars believe John is known in Scripture
as "the one that Jesus loved," or "the beloved disciple." This
title is used exclusively in the Gospel of John.
John was the youngest of the 12 disciples. In Leonardo da
Vinci's famous painting,
The Last Supper, the artist sought to
make John's youth his most prominent feature; in the painting
he is beardless, fair and almost angelic.
Even though he was the youngest of the disciples, he was
one of the most important and closest to Christ. After all, John
was a firsthand witness to almost every major event that hap-
pened during Christ's ministry. He was present at the transfig-
Illustration �2015 Pacifi

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