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am a mother, and mothers treasure memories of
their children. These memories are stored in our hearts.
All mothers think their children are unique, but my
Son truly is one of a kind.
Usually the woman is the first to know she
will give birth, but in my case, the angel
Gabriel appeared to me one night to tell me. I was
engaged and still a virgin, so I had reservations
about following God's plan. Trusting the Almighty
to work out the details, I said yes. My decision was
not easy for me, my fianc� Joseph or even the baby I
was carrying. People love to speculate, gossip and
pin labels on others. Even when He was a grown
man involved in ministry, people would still taunt
Jesus with words like: "
We know who our father is."
Those taunts never bothered my Son because He
knew His Father.
Although I was not allowed to formally study
Scripture, I listened to it and memorized it when it
was read. A gift from God is a head and heart that
remembers. I was aware that my Son would be born
in the city of David. The Roman government had
called for a census, so we made the journey from
Nazareth to Bethlehem. When we arrived, our ex-
tended family would not make room for us due to
questions about my pregnancy. All of the rooms at
the inns were full, so we accepted the offer to stay
in a stable. The stable turned out to be the perfect
place to give birth. Joseph cleaned it. We had water,
warmth and privacy.
The angels announced the birth to some shep-
herds, who then came to visit and tell us God's
message. The time came to dedicate Jesus to God.
Two people at the Temple in Jerusalem recognized
that my Son was the Messiah. One of them, a man
named Simeon, told us many things about the fu-
ture of my Baby. Then Simeon blessed them, and he
said to Mary, the baby's mother, "This Child is des-
tined to cause many in Israel to fall, but He will be
The War Cry | APRIL 2015
The soldiers took Jesus and w
They made Him w