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Fighting the Good Fight
Continued from Page 5
The War Cry | MAY 2014
shake off the hateful chants that she was a "baby-killer,"
but couldn't resist God's love expressed through Benham
and Emily. She became a Christian and an outspoken
pro-life advocate.
Tactic 2:
Bless Your Enemies
When Paul wrote letters to instruct believers, Christians
were subject to brutal persecution under the Roman emperor
Nero. The culture war of that day was leaving thousands
of Christian martyrs in its wake. What tactic did Paul
"Bless those who persecute you. Don't curse them; pray
that God will bless them. Be happy with those who are
happy, and weep with those who weep. Live in harmony
with each other. Don't be too proud to enjoy the company of
ordinary people. And don't think you know it all!" (Romans
12:14-16). And there is no record of rebellion or violence to-
ward those who were slaughtering Christians. Paul writes:
"Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful to do what is
right in the eyes of everyone... live at peace with everyone.
Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for
God's wrath, for it is written: `It is mine to avenge; I will
repay,' says the Lord. On the contrary: If your enemy is hun-
gry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink"
(Romans 12:17-20).
Tactic 3:
Overcome Evil With Good
I love The Salvation Army's strategy to serve, not judge, to
love, not divide, to welcome, not cast out. Paul describes it
simply. "Don't let evil conquer you, but conquer evil by doing
good" (v. 21).
Rather than simply attacking evil, John Wesley and his
Methodists provided positive alternatives to poverty, child
labor and human trafficking. The Wesley revival saw the
creation of credit unions, work reform and the end to slavery.
The Salvation Army took up the challenge by supporting
child labor laws, providing home for orphans and insisting
on righteousness both personally and socially. Today, the
abortion "war" is seeing more and more crisis pregnancy
centers providing pre-natal care and support to mothers
and fewer and fewer abortion clinics.
Paul and the first century Christians brought revival to
one of the most morally and politically corrupt cultures of his
day. We also can fight for the causes of heaven, and extend
freedom to captives of the adversary.
James Watkins is an acquisitions editor for Wesleyan
Publishing House and an instructor at Taylor University.
Resource Centers Serve
Mudslide Victims
ictims of the tragic mudslide in Oso, Washington
in March have been receiving personalized
service from The Salvation Army and other
agencies at two Joint Resource Centers in Snohomish
"The mudslide has impacted every person
differently," explains Shaun Jones, Emergency Disaster
Coordinator for the Army's Northwest Division. "By
collaborating with other agencies, we can accommodate
everyone's needs, including financial assistance, tangible
items, and even emotional / spiritual counseling."
or for more information visit
Not Dead" weaves together multiple
stories of faith, doubt and disbelief,
culminating in a dramatic call to action.
The film inspires moviegoers to explore
what they really believe. This is the
latest in a series of movies, including
the recently released "Noah" (see April
Intersection) and "Heaven is For Real"
(see Easter War Cry, that indicates
Hollywood's growing awareness of the
public's hunger for edifying entertainment
that portrays the Judeo�Christian
tradition and the way of faith.