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The War Cry / April 28, 2012
Dear Aunt Sally: Is it possible to be
a gay Christian?
-- Seriously Wondering
Dear Seriously: There is a broader
issue that your question addresses.
Once we've accepted Christ's pay-
ment for our sins and start living to
please Him, the Holy Spirit's gentle
presence helps transform us into the
people God has created us to be.
Over the course of our lifetimes, our
relationship with Christ deepens, our
knowledge of God and what pleases
Him increases. The desires of our
hearts change. The yearnings of our
innermost being cry out to please the
One who has loved us with an uncon-
ditional and sacrificial Love.
Because we are on this journey of
discovery and change, Satan takes
notice. He directs his energies into
ending this experience. If he can't de-
rail us altogether, he will do what he
can to distract us, to mislead us, to
confuse us. He introduces ideas,
thoughts and desires to our minds
in an effort to bring sin into our lives.
If he can do that, and do it repeatedly,
we might just get to a place of utter
discouragement in our ability to
keep living for Jesus.
This is that broader issue that affects
all of us who have yielded our lives to
God: Is it wrong to have thoughts about
things or actions or lifestyles that God
has revealed are sin?
This question encompasses a multi-
tude of things that we are warned
about in the Bible, from anger, lying,
coveting and stealing to jealousy,
idolatry, adultery and more.
The moment Satan introduces a
tempting thought into our minds is
the moment that a decision must be
made. Are we going to reject this
temptation quickly? Are we going to
hold on to it for awhile, playing with
it a little, enjoying the thought
for a time? Will we give in
and act on it immediately, commit-
ting the sin? This is where the battle
is won or lost.
To be sure, there are some who
must engage in the same fights again
and again. The Christian for whom
stealing is the area of weakness may
find they will have to stand up to
Satan repeatedly, sometimes being
wounded, maybe even slipping, but
always getting up to reject Satan's
attacks again.
There is a significant difference
between a sinful idea that suddenly
imposes itself into our thoughts, and
one that we hold onto, that we dwell
on, that we carry around with us.
God has repeatedly shared His
mind on this subject. We're told that
we are what we think, what our mind
dwells on. He tells us in II Samuel 6
vs. 7 that man looketh on the outward
appearance, but the Lord looketh on
the heart ...". We're encouraged to
"Let your heart therefore be perfect
with the Lord our God..." (I Kings
8:61). Our hearts are to be without
sin before the Lord, pure and wholly
true to Him.
Solomon's story is a sad one. It
began with his heart being turned
away from God (I Kings 11: 4) and
resulted in
Solomon going
after other
gods.The thoughts
became actions.
The prayer of
David is that the
"...Words of my
mouth and the meditations of my
heart be acceptable in Thy sight...."
(Psalms 19:14.
Jesus Himself says that we can be
guilty of sin without committing the
particular act, when He tells us that
if we have thought it in our minds,
we have done it in His sight
(Matthew 5: 27, 28).
I recommend that you search the
Bible to discover those things that
please and delight God. Fill yourself
with seeking after those things, set
your mind in that direction, at the
same time guarding your heart
against unwelcome intrusions
from Satan.
unt Sa
Aunt Sally
is happy to provide free
personal advice and opinion on a variety
of subjects. Need help with relationship
problems, spiritual questions, parenting
situations? Ask Aunt Sally!
Send your questions and/or
comments to Aunt Sally:
By E-mail: [email protected]
By Mail: National Publications
615 Slaters Lane, Alexandria VA 22314
Questions appropriate for printing in the
Cry will be answered through this column.
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