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want to get partway out of the pit. God helps us if
we give it all to Him.
In nothing be anxious (Phil. 4:6). Don't
worry about tomorrow. In one study, the individ-
uals went back over the list 30 days later and
found that only five percent of what they had been
anxious about had occurred.
Cast your burden upon the Lord and He
will sustain you (Psalm 55:22). Worry not only
saps us mentally, but physically and emotionally
as well. In those moments when we feel that we
can go no further, God picks us up and sustains
us in all that we do.
It is good for me to hold fast to God
(Psalm 73:28). Worry is like a swirling hurricane
spawning out destructive tornadoes of doubt, con-
fusion and fear. The only sure way of surviving the
vortex is to strap ourselves as tightly as we can to
the heaviest object that we can find. God and His
word form the firmest foundation.
And I have always set up God before me
(Psalm 16:8). The final step in the ladder out of
the pit is to realize that we stand on the step of
hope. God is always before us, always there, al-
ways present, always a part of your life. If God is
set before me, then hope is ever before.
Major Jim McGee is the senior
writer for the Southern Spirit.
ed was helping my Uncle Denny
bulldoze some debris into a large
pit on the family farm, when part
of the pit wall gave way. That left
Uncle Denny at the bottom of a l0 foot pit.
Uncle Denny yelled to Ned to get some rope.
Ned raced to the barn, but couldn't find any rope.
He raced to the storage shed, but the rope he
found was not nearly long enough. He then rushed
to the farmhouse and found no rope. At that point
he drove two miles down the road to the next farm
and got some rope.
When Ned finally pulled Uncle Denny from
the pit and explained the delay, Uncle Denny
brushed himself off, looked around and saw a lad-
der leaning up against the corn silo. He asked Ned
if he had seen the ladder. "Yes," Ned said, "but I
didn't get it because you had said to get a rope."
Often we are stuck in a pit of worry and de-
spair. We see no way out and wear ourselves out
by trying to get out of the pit with our own rope.
About 800 years ago, Albert the Great listed
five rungs of this ladder for us to climb!
Cast all you cares on Him (I Peter 5:7), who
can do everything listed. The devil isn't just in the
details, he is in our worries. Uncle Denny didn't
The War Cry / April 28, 2012
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