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The War Cry / April 28, 2012
Interview by Major Allen Satterlee, Editor in
Chief and National Literary Secretary.
615 Slaters Lane, Alexandria, VA 22314
As a reader of The War Cry, I am interested in the following:
Your prayers
Follow�up counseling by a Salvationist
Bible study suggestions
Receiving The War Cry regularly
Information on how to become a Salvationist
Address of the nearest Salvation Army corps
Information on how to receive Christ as my Savior
Note: I received Christ as Savior by reading the War Cry.
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Admit your need
"For all have sinned and fall
short of the glory of God"
(Romans 3:23)
Believe in Christ
"Believe in the Lord Jesus,
and you will be saved"
(Acts 16:31)
Commit yourself to Christ
"Yet to all who received Him... He gave
the right to become children of God"
(John 1:12)
Being truly sorry for your sins, and through the
power of Christ forsaking them, go for ward to live
for Christ. He will give forgiveness, power, victory,
purpose, the Holy Spirit and life eternal.
What word of advice would do you have for parents
of autistic children?
Major Noelle:
Wherever your child falls on the spec-
trum, there is hope. There is support. Don't give up.
Yes, it is hard but the way has been paved so don't
think that you need to re�invent the wheel. Let it be
known that you have concerns. You don't always
know where to turn or what to do. You are going to
get a lot of bad advice from doctors and people who
mean well. You wish you had some sort of support
that understood where you were coming from. Reach
out and seek that. Other people can help your child
but ultimately that child is yours and you cannot be
part of that process if you are terrified, paralyzed or
complacent. Find someone who can keep you spiritu-
ally accountable and help nurture you through this
time. It is not just about you. Siblings have to relate
to your child, too.
From time to time drop yourself into your child's
shoes because you can go out the door and go to work.
You can go different places and get some respite.
Your child is stuck in his or her body and mind per-
manently. If you feel you are burdened or you are ter-
rified, think of how much more your child feels the
same way. Stop making it about yourself and make
Embracing a Different Kind of life
Continued from page 11
it about what you would want if you were that child.
How would I want Mommy or Daddy to relate to me?
Major Mark:
Trust God. Don't give up on God. I went
through a time where I told God that I didn't trust
Him anymore. That was a very dark time and I am
glad that I got over that. Things got better. Things
change. Struggles don't last forever no matter where
you are starting. I can't play God and demand that
my life be this and that the life of my child be that. I
remember thinking that it was an interruption in my
life and that I was not allowed to be what I was sup-
posed to be. Every parent in this situation feels that
if they are honest. Good things happened when I got
over that. This thing that happened is exactly God's
plan for the boys and for me. It is making them the
persons they are supposed to be. You shouldn't be
afraid to ask for what you need. God has something
in mind for us.
As soon as they can, I would hope parents could get
over seeing their child as a loss. The only thing they
have lost is having a similar experience with most peo-
ple. Their child, their family is not less. It is different
but not less. Each of us must embrace what God is
doing in our families, trusting that God is preparing
them, our children, and us for His good purposes.
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