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The War Cry / April 28, 2012
The Salvation Army has helped facilitate Japan's recovery
through several projects in some of the country's hardest-
hit fishing towns: Ofunato, Onagawa, Kesennuma and
Minamisanriku, thanks in part to $9.6 million in donations
from American supporters. The goal is to reestablish com-
merce in these areas so they can flourish once again and
support the recovery of local economies.
In Onagawa, washrooms have been built in 11 beach loca-
tions where prefabricated offices have already been con-
structed. Fourteen forklifts make clean-up and delivery of
supplies efficient, and fishermen can use the forklifts to har-
vest seaweed for additional income. The Army is also devel-
oping a temporary shop district to provide food and job
opportunities for residents. In Minamisanriku, the Army has
worked with the local government to provide funds for rub-
ble removal, large tent facilities for food courts, streetlights,
drainage systems and air conditioners. In Kesennuma, pro-
vision of diving tools, operation huts, compressors and four
trucks have accelerated debris removal so fishing can
recommence. In Ofunato, community improvements include
grading and paving, interlocking
block construction, store signs,
rain hoods for shops, benches,
sidewalks, decks and information
signs for seniors and those with
disabilities, along with electrical
lighting for safety.
As one of many Salva-
tion Army recovery proj-
ects, Ofunato's shopping
center is a new hub of
trade and commerce
after the disaster wiped
out this town's commer-
cial district.
The National Day of Prayer
continues the
tradition established by the Continental Congress'
proclamation in 1775 setting aside a day of prayer.
In 1952, Congress established an annual day of
prayer and, in 1988, that law was amended, desig-
nating the National Day of
Prayer as the first Thursday
in May.
This year's theme, "A Mighty
Fortress Is Our God," is based
on Psalm 91:2, which states,
"I will say of the Lord, He is
my refuge and my fortress,
my God, in whom I trust."
To learn more, or to find a
National Day of Prayer event
in your community, visit:
THE SALVATION ARMY (Kyuu-Sei-Gun, Save-World-Army) opened its work in Japan in 1895, and today operates 47 Corps Centers and
12 Outposts with 2,851 Senior Soldiers and 101 Junior Soldiers. The Army also oversees two hospitals and 20 centers for social services.
One year after the record-breaking earthquake and
tsunami struck the coast of Japan and devastated a
nation, The Salvation Army remains focused on recovery
and development. The Army in Japan is also preparing
to work with local communities to provide emotional
and spiritual support, community counseling and mate-
rial aid to survivors who are in the greatest need,
especially the elderly and children.
One Year Later
August 4-11, 2012
Glen Eyrie Conference Center
Colorado Springs, Colorado
See your corps officer
today for detail
� Outstanding instructors
� Opportunity to develop action
plans designed for corps
� In depth small group study
A week long mountain top
experience for Salvationists
to learn Evangelism and
discipleship skills.
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