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The War Cry | FEBRUARY 2014
AUNT SALLY is happy to provide free personal advice and opinions on a variety of subjects.
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regular mail at Ask Aunt Sally, Salvation Army Publications, 615 Slaters Lane, Alexandria, VA 22313.
Questions appropriate for printing in the War Cry will be answered through this column.
Dear Looking:
One of the many reviews researched
for your question was from Jesse Rider
of and described `The Walking
Dead' (`TWD') as follows.
"The show prides itself on destruction,
gore and numerous ways of killing people.
It is filled with violent `headshots' from
guns and bows and arrows directed at
zombies. The zombies are often seen eat-
ing the flesh of victims (including very gro-
tesque and real scenes of body parts being
ingested)." Unless you are already a fan
of the show, this review should be enough
to answer your question. And even fans
should reconsider their support.
Opinions vary on the viewing of such
programs. Some believe this genre is just
entertainment which allows the viewer a
cathartic, exhilarating experience from a
safe place. Others point to strong social
or moral issues that such shows' shock-
ing scenes force observers to consider.
There are those that are okay with a small
amount of such portrayals in a film or se-
ries. And a number will have nothing to do
with such entertainment.
Let's look at this from two perspectives.
First, the impact that viewing such pro-
grams as "The Walking Dead" has on us.
Such scenes described in the above review
are disturbing and unsettling. They are an
assault on our psyche, and strike at the
very core of our being. Those who decide
to continue similar viewing over time find
that what originally inspired shock or fear,
no longer does; and more despicable acts
of depravity are needed to provide the
desired impact. There is also the dehuman-
ization that results from seeing one person
after another being killed as well as ripped
apart and eaten.
The second perspective is that of the
person who has asked Jesus to be their
Savior and Lord. A greater care must be
given in all that we do or say or allow into
our lives. We must remember Whose we
are, and what great price was paid for us.
As His precious holy temples, our bodies
should be lovingly nurtured and cared for.
That includes our mind and our emotions.
Serious attention must be given to those
elements or persuasions that could lead
to our spiritual impairment. Once those
images or ideas are in our minds, it is dif-
ficult to get them out. They can be just the
opening that Satan is looking for to gain a
hold in our lives.
Let's do our part to safeguard our hearts.
Be extremely selective and deliberate about
the entertainment we choose to enjoy.
Dear Curious:
When applied to a religious faction,
a cult is a dangerous or harmful group
that contains departures from the beliefs
of historic established Christianity. They
basically employ exclusivity (ours is the
only true church), secrecy (certain teach-
ings are not available to outsiders or only
to select members) and authoritarianism
(total unquestioning loyalty and obedi-
ence to one leader).
Often the cult presents itself as THE
way to Christ, placing themselves in the
position of intercessors between God
and man, thus taking the place of Christ.
Other writings are held up as equal to or
higher than the Bible.
The cult will grasp absolute and uncon-
ditional control over people, using fear to
keep them in the group. Varying facets of
the members' lives become subject to con-
trol from the leadership, such as how they
should think or act, what they should wear,
whether they should have children, etc.
When thinking about becoming in-
volved with a new church, do your home-
work first. Review their doctrines closely,
compare the leader's sermons with Scrip-
ture. Talk with different members to get a
sense of them and their relationship with
the group. Ask the Lord for His guidance.
If any red flags appear, I suggest that
you stop attending and do more extensive
research on the group. While Jesus wants
to be the Lord of our lives, and expects us
to find communities of believers to wor-
ship and fellowship with, He'll never do it
at the expense of our free will.
Dear Aunt Sally:
What are your suggestions
on the TV series, "Walking
-- Looking for Good Options
Dear Aunt Sally:
What is a Christian cult?
-- Curious